Sunday, September 12, 2021

Donald Trump Tells NYPD 'You're Going to Be Very Happy' About His Decision for 2024 at Surprise Visit for 9/11


Article by Rebecca Downs in Townhall

Donald Trump Tells NYPD 'You're Going to Be Very Happy' About His Decision for 2024 at Surprise Visit for 9/11

Former President Donald Trump marked the anniversary of September 11 in his own way this year, through an afternoon surprise visit with New York City police officers and fire fighters while at the 17th precinct and at Ladder Co. 2.

In President Joe Biden's remarks shared to his official Twitter account on Friday, the president communicated a message which stressed the sense of "unity" that was present in the country around September 11. Now, however, despite campaigning on the promise of being a unity president, Biden is in charge during one of the most divided, polarizing, and partisan points in time. 

On Saturday morning, Trump released his own video remarks, which began in part by referring to the "many things on display that day, including most importantly the bravery of our police, fire, and first responders of every kind" and said "the job they did was truly unbelievable. We love them and we thank them."

But, Trump continued, "it is also a sad time for the way our war on those who did such harm to our country ended last week," he also called to mind the memory of the "13 great warriors" U.S. service members and countless more who died in the terrorist attack on August 26 at the Kabul airport, which Trump emphasized "should never have happened."

He also took a chance to attack Biden's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which the president has been suffering in the polls over. "The leader of our country was made to look like a fool," Trump lamented, "and that can never be allowed to happen." The former president said this was "caused by bad planning, incredible weakness, and leaders who truly didn't understand what was happening." 

Trump lamented that this twentieth year "should have been a year of victory, honor, and strength," but "instead Joe Biden and his inept administration surrendered in defeat. We will live on, but sadly our country will be wounded for a long period of time. We struggle to recover from the embarrassment this incompetence has caused."

Nevertheless, he did close on a hopeful note, something of a preview even, for what his future plans might include. "Do not fear, however, America will be made great again, Trump concluded with. 


The former president is also making headlines over the fact that he may also aim to be the future president. 

He expanded upon many of the video's remarks during his visit to the precinct, when giving his remarks and when taking questions from those in attendance. 

Trump told those assembled that it was already a "very sad day, for a lot reasons," but that "we just added to the reason last week, because that should have never been allowed to happen." He emphasized that it was "horrible timing" for the United States to withdraw Afghanistan when it did and so horribly, pointing out "a five year old" would have known that the military should have gone out last.

He did go on to reassure those police officers in attendance though of the "incredible job" that "the incredible people" of "New York's finest" has done. 

When asked about running in 2024, Trump said that "for me it's an easy question," and indicated "I know what I'm going to do," but said he coudn't talk much further about it because of campaign finance laws. "I think you're going to be very happy," he told police assembled, reminding them of his how well the economy, military, and regulation did under his administration, before it was all badly affected by the 2020 election and President Biden. 

 Trump also appeared at Ladder Co. 2, where he reaffirmed his support for first responders, acknowledging people don't do so enough right now. "I’ve been given so much support by the people who do what you do," he said. "We love the blue. I’ll say it loud. You know, you’re not supposed to say that. We love the blue."

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