Wednesday, August 4, 2021

OPINION: My rankings of all the current Seasons of NCIS: Los Angeles

     (Behind the Scenes pic from Season 6 in 2014)

Since 2014, NCIS LA has been my favorite show ever. I've rewatched most of the episodes over the past couple of years, I cover the show on my Tumblr blog, and on a couple of sideblogs.

I've also developed my own rankings of the Seasons that have aired. And I'm here to share my rankings of all 12 Seasons (WARNING: Lots of spoilers down below. If you want to avoid the spoilers, LOOK AWAY until you watch them!)

       (Pic from Season 9's Vendetta)

From Worst to Best:

          Season 11. Ugh. Talk about a real dumpster fire of a Season! Season 10 was really harsh, and I and many other fans had high expectations for Season 11 to really improve over Season 10. Instead, what we got was filler episode after filler episode, more questions being asked then answered, a terrible Christmas episode that I think shouldn't even be called a Christmas episode because it only mentioned Christmas in like the beginning and the end of the episode!! Basically the whole cast was teased to be leaving at the end of the Season (which was completely useless because SPOILER ALERT: No one left, and no one was ever going to leave!!), Hetty was mysteriously depressed through most of the Season, no answer why, and wasn't even around much, with no answer there either! Outrageous.

The only good parts of Season 11, was the masterfully written 250th episode (written by Series Regular Eric Christian Olsen), and the fact that it ended early. (I didn't want the show to have to end early, but given how terrible the Season was and how unhappy I was throughout the second half of the Season, it was almost a blessing that it was forced to end the Season early due to The Ides of March 2020!!)

My Top 3 episodes of this Season:

1, Mother (205th)

2, Alysidun

3, Kill Beale Vol 1

         Season 12. Given how terrible Season 11 was, there wasn't much for Season 12 to do to improve on Season 11. There were some good improvements, like the whole cast being in the final cut scene in the opening credits again for the first time since Season 8, Hetty was in the Christmas episode for the first time since Season 8 also, and the Christmas episode itself was an actual Christmas episode! There was a bit more direction in the episodes in story arcs, the finale was really good.

But sadly, there was also a lot of negatives. 1 of them being how awkward some of the episodes looked filming wise! (Yeah yeah, filming restrictions, yeah yeah). Every show I watched this past Season had filming restrictions, and yet, they all hardly looked different! (yeah, 2 of the NCIS's had a bit of face diaper wearing, but they still looked relatively the same!) Yet, NCIS LA looked really disjointed team wise! There were plenty of missed opportunities for like, hugs or scenes with more then 2 team members.

Also, the writing still stunk overall. Too many of the same mistakes were made, like asking more questions instead of answering questions!! (don't even try to ask me just how many unanswered Hetty questions from the past 3 Seasons there are, because I lost track a long time ago!!). One of the biggest faults: No clear answer to where Hetty really was the whole time. (the only hint of where she was somewhere in the Middle East, like I think near Syria). Just 3 whole cameos via one of the screens in the office building (which were really filmed in Linda's driveway! That I find rather cool), and nothing else until the finale.

The finale did an incredible thing, it brought Hetty home, and for an emotional reunion/goodbye to Nell. The fact that the producers were willing to let her back on set for the last day of filming, does say something positive for Season 13. But given that cast members are still wearing face diapers on set, and that the early Season 13 hints that I've gotten are not even that interesting to me, I'm, cautiously optimistic for a better Season 13 (but i also still wouldn't be surprised if it's just another poor repeat of the last 3 Seasons bad choices in writing and quality.)

My Top 3 episodes of this Season:

1, A Tale of 2 Igors (Season finale)

2, Russia Russia Russia (beautifully directed by Daniela Ruah)

3, If the Fates Allow

        Season 10. This is where the show's real problems started. A week before filming on Season 10 was supposed to start, Linda was involved in a freak car accident, an accident that would sideline her for most of the Season, and would carry into Season 11 (I think. There was no real answer to why she was absent through most of Season 11).

I don't think I need to really point out just how vital Hetty is to this show. In fact, if there's one thing that these last 3 Seasons have proven, it's that without her, the show just falls apart! The writing stinks, it feels like there's something missing from the episode, the feel of the episode feels off. She's basically to this show what Gibbs is to regular NCIS, or what Pride was to NCIS New Orleans. AKA, the 'glue'.

The overall writing of the show didn't really stink, but I was so miserable, I wasn't really interested. I was mainly interested in whenever Hetty would be mentioned, which wasn't in every episode.

This Season's real shining points? Episode 17 Till Death do us Part. My top episode of this entire show. It was the perfect combo of everything this show does great. Plus, seeing Hetty in that episode? It was a living miracle in itself. (I'm not saying how she returned, but it, is, EPIC!!!).

Episode 20 Choke Point was Hetty's real return to the office, and it was beyond lovely! The last 2 episodes of the Season were also good, they were also a reunion of the 2 main stars from JAG. (the show that started the NCIS verse).

My Top 3 episodes of this Season:

1, Till Death do us Part

2, Choke Point

3, False Flag (Season finale)

        Season 9. This was a tough Season to get through. Not only because of getting used to a new Series regular that was a bit of a pain in the butt, but for Hetty fans, this was a mixture of good and bad. The 'good' being there was plenty of badass Hetty, which I'm all for.
The 'bad'? Well, I'm not saying much for spoiler purposes, but there is an awful twist at the end of Episode 6 Can I get a Witness that still steams me up every time I think of it. Which lead to seeing certain things that I'm still trying to unsee today!

Episode 14 of this Season is the golden one. It and Episode 13 are a well written 2 parter. It's a hard 2 parter to get through if you're a Hetty fan, but the acting and payoff is incredible! Plus, Episode 14 has one of the best endings to a half Season arc that I've ever seen.

One of the best parts of the 2nd half of Season 9 after Episode 14? Every scene Hetty has with this woman:

Seeing Hetty stand her ground with this woman is amazing. Hetty was definitely the MVP of this Season, downpat.

My Top 5 episodes of this Season (I only chose to list 3 episodes for those 3 Seasons because of how bad they were, it's top 5's from here on out. My longer Episode Rankings are in my blog's archives tagged under 'Episode Rankings):

1, Goodbye Vietnam

2, Mountebank

3, Se Murio El Payaso

4, Can I get a Witness?

5, This is What we Do (200th episode)

        Season 4. A very solid Season. Plenty of good episodes that I love, like Recruit, Dead Body Politic, Collateral, Paper Soldiers, and so on. Including a great premiere to answer to the previous Season's 2 part finale masterpiece. Important moments like the 'sunshine and gunpowder' moment and the start of the Box also happen in this Season.

Downside: It got a little boring at times. Plus in this Season, the show tried to launch a spinoff called NCIS: Red, the backdoor pilot was okay, but it didn't get picked up.

All in all, a solid Season that I still enjoyed.

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Recruit

2, Endgame (Season premiere)

3, Free Ride

4, Paper Soldiers

5, The 5th Man

        Season 2. Deeks and Nell become full time team members in this very good 2nd Season! Plenty of important moments in this Season: The first Hetty centric episodes, the start of Densi (Kensi and Deeks), the start of Neric (Eric and Nell), a powerful Deeks centric episode in 'Personal', great filler episodes like Enemy Within, Rocket Man, The Job, and so on, and an incredible finale that has this huge team moment that still gives me shivers today because of it shows the team's loyalty to Hetty!

I put it this low because well, something had to be on the low end of these rankings.

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Special Delivery

2, Familia (Season finale)

3, Human Traffic (Season premiere)

4, Overwatch

5, Disorder

       Season 8. The last time I can remember enjoying a full Season of this show. This Season featured the end of the long mole hunt with some great episodes (including an epic Hetty centric episode in the 2nd half!), some very powerful Densi moments, Callen and Anna getting serious, Neric sharing their first kiss, great filler episodes like Getaway, From Havana with Love, 767, an emotional 2 part finale.

The downside: This Season also suffered a painful death of a Series regular. It becomes clear early on who it is, (there's a whole episode that from the very start foreshadowed his departure!). That death definitely has had a big impact on this show, and not in a very good way.

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Under Siege

2, The Queen's Gambit

3, Old Tricks (Tribute episode)

4, Tidings we Bring

5, From Havana with Love

       Season 5. A very Densi centric Season. This Season explored the ups and downs of being in a relationship, beautifully managed Daniela Ruah's 1st pregnancy, had the iconic 'Hetty cam' line in Episode 2's Impact, Lots of well written episodes.

The downside: There was a lot of Hetty negativity in this Season on Tumblr (where I hang out), and I think it was all unneeded. (At least on Facebook and Twitter, there was still plenty of positivity). This Season reminded everyone that Hetty is not a relationship consoler, she's the boss, and has to think of the whole team instead of 2 individuals, and I don't think that sat too well with a lot of people. (Their loss.).

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Impact

2, Spoils of War

3, Ascension (Season premiere)

4, Omni

5, Reizenkov, N (100th episode)

      Season 1. At first, my opinion on Season 1 was that it was just okay. But over the past couple of years, I've grown to really love Season 1. (mostly due to it's nostalgia and fun). Plenty of good qualities to Season 1: Did a good job of introducing the team, the qualities of the show, it's trademark big explosions and movie like action. Some fans that I know of think Season 1 is a bit boring because Deeks doesn't show up until later on, which I disagree with.

Plus, this Season has one of my all time favorite filler episodes: Full Throttle! Trust me, it's an incredible episode that should be watched multiple times!!

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Hand-To-Hand

2, Brimstone

3, Pushback

4, Search and destroy

5, Callen, G (Season finale)

     Season 6. This is the Season that started it all for me! NCIS LA was airing right before 'Person of Interest', which my mom and I loved. We saw a lot of endings of LA, and my mom got interested, and sure enough. Season 6 is when I started watching this show live!

This is an incredible Season. It first starts off with the best 3 parter I've ever seen in any show I've watched over the years. (it's also Hetty centric!). Then it has a slew of great filler episodes, then it has a Christmas episode that has become a favorite among a lot of fans because of that episode being a fan favorite couple's 'all in' moment!

It gets a little slow in a few episodes, which is why it's below Season 7. But it's still a great Season! (Not to mention, it has an episode that confirms just how important Callen and Hetty are to each other!)

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Praesidium

2, The 3rd Choir

3, Inelegant Heart

4, Humbug

5, Chernoff, K (Season finale)

    Season 7. The only Season that has come remotely close to being as great as the beyond superior Season 3. The Season starts off strong with Callen stupidly going rogue, after that, it's a few strong filler episodes, followed by a boomtastic 150th episode.

There was no Season long arc for this Season, but it wasn't really needed, the filler episodes carry the Season brilliantly. Also, the Christmas episode for this Season is the funniest one yet! 

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Blame it on Rio

2, Cancel Christmas

3, Matryoska (both parts)

4, Driving Miss Diaz

5, Come Back

And now, for the best Season of this show ever:

    Season 3. This is THE superior Season of NCIS LA, downpat! Starts off with a shocking premiere (which is also Hetty centric!), and it's full speed ahead from there, and it doesn't slow down!

There are some incredible filler episodes in this Season, like Honor and Greed. There are monumental team members in this Season: Callen finding out his biological mother, Kensi and Deeks undercover as a married couple, Granger making his introduction.

And the 2 part Season Finale? An absolute tour de force of writing, intensity, wicked twists that come out of nowhere.

This Season is NCIS LA at it's absolute finest., 

My Top 5 episodes of this Season:

1, Greed

2, Blye, K (both parts)

3, Lang, H (Season premiere)

4, Sacrifice

5, Deadline

So, what did you think of these rankings? Agree or disagree? Got your own opinions on these Seasons? Feel free to hit the comments!

Season 13 of NCIS LA starts on October 10 at 9 pm on CBS.

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