Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Democrats Are So Lucky To Have The Media Help Them Constantly Deny Reality

The Democratic Party is in as big an ugly mess as ever. 
Good thing for them that there are people 
like Charles Blow to convince voters to deny reality.

If it weren’t for the national media functioning as a colossal safety net for stupid Democrats, unwavering in defense for their every screw up, it’s hard to imagine a Democrat ever being elected to Congress again, let alone the White House.

And just how desperately far the media will go to defend and explain away the incompetence and corruption of the Democratic Party should in itself be a crime punishable by death (or, in the case of Max Boot, a prohibition of the hats he uses to cover up his funny bald head). 

As bad a writer Charles Blow of The New York Times is, he can be useful in getting a sense at any given moment of just how ridiculous the mind of a Democrat is. This is something Blow wrote Sunday in earnest:

What do you call members of a party who, from top to bottom, from elected officials to voters, largely believe a lie and a liar determined to undermine, corrupt and even destroy our democracy? What do you call a party whose leaders use that lie as a pretext to suppress the votes and voices of Americans with whom they disagree? What do you call a party slavishly devoted to a cult over the stability and prosperity of a country?

What do you call a party where many of its members have worked against a lifesaving, society-freeing vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, exposing many of their own followers to the deadly virus, all for the sake of being contrarian, anti-establishment and anti-science?

Without a flicker of irony, Blow was referring to the Republican Party, even though every word of that applies to a T to his own political affiliation. Take it one by one.

“Members of a party who, from top to bottom, from elected officials to voters, largely believe a lie and a liar determined to undermine, corrupt and even destroy our democracy.” Which part of that doesn’t perfectly describe the Russia collusion hoax perpetuated by—well, the national media, the Democratic Party, and apparently the highest levels of the FBI.

By “destroy our democracy,” Blow means to have a president he hates. Fortunately, whether a democracy is alive isn’t determined by who Blow, the rest of the media, and the permanent Washington bureaucracy approve of. No, instead it’s determined by the will of the voters, while Hillary Clinton, in her repeated denials that the 2016 election was fair, and all of the aforementioned, did their damndest to undermine and doubt the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s victory. 

They said there were illegal ballots cast. They said Trump colluded with Russia. They said he was involved with the hacking of the Democratic National Committee emails. They said he was a foreign asset.

“He knows he’s an illegitimate president.”— Hillary Clinton.

“With him, all roads lead to Putin.”— House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“What do you call a party whose leaders use that lie as a pretext to suppress the votes and voices of Americans with whom they disagree?” If anyone is guilty of suppressing voices in this country it’s Internet people from Facebook, Twitter, and Google. While they’re not openly Democrats, their efforts to censor and stamp out information they don’t like curiously tilts overwhelmingly in one direction. Hint: It’s not toward Democrats

“What do you call a party slavishly devoted to a cult over the stability and prosperity of a country?” The examples of Democrats buying into cult-like figures and trends are legion, but to take the most recent one, the pandemic has become nothing if not religious dogma for Democrats. A sure sign of belonging to a cult is the ability to defend and excuse anything its leaders do or say, even when it’s nonsensical or contradictory. Masks don’t work. That’s The Science! You need a mask. That’s The Science! Herd immunity is 70 percent. That’s The Science! Never mind, it’s closer to 90 percent. That’s The Science!

There’s no question that Democrats’ slavish devotion to the pandemic cult has been at the expense of “the stability and prosperity of a country.” The lockdowns and restrictions so dear to the hearts of Democrats have devastated the economy, and their choice to politicize every single COVID-19 death has divided us probably more than anything since slavery.

“What do you call a party where many of its members have worked against a lifesaving, society-freeing vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, exposing many of their own followers to the deadly virus, all for the sake of being contrarian, anti-establishment and anti-science?” I call it the Democratic Party led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They’re the ones who swore that a vaccine produced during the Trump administration either wasn’t possible or was suspect.

They expressed skepticism — for political reasons, of course — over and over before the election. They said Trump was delusional to believe a viable vaccine could hit the market before 2020 was up. Now they’re accusing Republicans of sowing doubt? It’s laughable. 

The Democratic Party is in as big an ugly mess as ever. Good thing for them that there are people like Blow to convince voters to deny reality.