Wednesday, August 4, 2021

New York Speaker of the House Signals Cuomo Impeachment Will Happen

T.LaDuke reporting for RedState 

Governor Andrew Cuomo has had a really bad day.

The New York Attorney General Letitia James today released her long-awaited report on the sexual harassment allegations against the Governor and it was damning. Andrew Cuomo’s response was bizarre and was covered by my colleague Bonchie here with his article Andrew Cuomo Gives a Sociopathic Response After Investigation Confirms Sexual Harassment Allegations. From that article:

According to Cuomo, everyone is lying and he is innocent. He even managed to use a story about a family member being sexually assaulted to defend himself because this guy lacks any and all shame.

Worse, he also blamed his victims in a roundabout way because he’s a sociopath.

Check out Bonchie’s article to see video of the Governor trying to normalize his behavior.

New York is a state-run by the Democrats in all branches of government and Cuomo is the top dog there. Members of the state assembly back in the spring when these allegations first surfaced started to make noise that they might look at impeaching him if the allegations looked like they were true. That talk died down while the A.G. investigation was continuing and business as usual moved along in Albany.

Now with this report released and the federal delegation of Republicans and Democrats all calling for his resignation and President Biden saying Andrew should step down, the pressure is on the New York House members to follow through with impeachment.

Looks like the message has been received.

Speaker of the New York House Assembly, Carl Heastie released a statement not long ago that was picked up by Morgan Mckay who covers Albany politics.

“Governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office…we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible.”

The complete statement from Speaker Heastie:

After our conference this afternoon to discuss the attorney general’s report concerning sexual harassment allegations against Governor Cuomo, it is abundantly clear to me that the governor has lost the confidence of the assembly Democrat majority and he can no longer remain in office.

Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the Attorney General, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible.

The line about not missing if you are going to take a shot at the king is very applicable in this case with Cuomo.

After the initial reports came out last spring about this behavior there was some buzz that this was the worst kept secret in New York politics but no one dared to take on King Andrew. He was riding high with his daily COVID-19 briefing, had just written a book with a huge advance, and has his yuck fest with his Lil brother on CNN a couple of times a month was praised. No one would have dreamed of taking him on and he looked to be on cruise control for a 4th term as Governor or even as President.

Cuomo thought he was untouchable and so did the majority of New Yorkers in the political sphere.

Now that this report is out and Heastie has determined that the Governor is shark chum, the house democrats probably think it is better to dump his lifeless political corpse overboard now and try to salvage the Governorship in 2022 than limp into the next election with this badly damaged democrat with a huge target on his back.

I agree.

Most likely by the beginning of the fall Gov. Cuomo will be out of the office and the state can begin to pick up the pieces of his time in Albany.

Just to close this out, while it is not directly related to the sexual harassment of Cuomo, I do want to give a tip of the hat to someone who had the guts to stand up to him a bit before these women that were harassed stepped forward.

Janice Dean of Fox News was a lone voice for months pointing out that Cuomo and his nursing home policies could have killed thousands including her inlaws during the COVID-19 lockdown. She was taking him on during the height of Cuomo-mania with the press lovefest and she took a ton of abuse from Cuomo sycophants.

She is a brave person who had the temerity to speak her mind and I’m one person who is incredibly thankful she did.

Thank you, Janice!!