Wednesday, August 4, 2021

COVID Restrictions are for the Little People

The powerful elite in our country never 
let COVID restrictions get in their way.

At this point, it’s become redundant to point out that the powerful elite in our country never let COVID restrictions get in their way.

If we had a dollar for every politician and powerful elitist who defied the COVID restrictions we are forced to endure, Congress wouldn’t have needed to pass a single COVID “relief” spending bill.

Lori Lightfoot getting her hair done. Nancy Pelosi getting a blowout. Gavin Newsom at the French Laundry. Gretchen Whitmer’s husband and his love of motorboating. Gretchen Whitmer flying to Florida after ordering Michiganders not to travel to Florida. Chris Cuomo berating people for not following COVID restrictions then violating his own quarantine while pretending he didn’t violate quarantine. The packed funeral for the late Congressman John Lewis during the peak of the pandemic when regular Americans couldn’t hold funerals for their dead loved ones. The Texas Democrats flying in chartered planes to DC without wearing masks. Pelosi last week ordering everyone back behind masks with threats of fines or arrests while she parades around the Capitol mask-free. The list is endless.

Just this past weekend, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser violated her own re-imposed mask mandate. And Mayor Lori Lightfoot let hundreds of thousands descend on Grant Park for Lollapalooza.

It’s never been more obvious that COVID restrictions are for the little people.

And because he never passes up the opportunity to remind America that he is one of the privileged elite, Barack Obama is doing his part to remind us that COVID restrictions will not in any way, shape, manner or form impede his lavish lifestyle.

Obama is planning an enormous birthday bash for himself at his palatial estate on Martha’s Vineyard. According to the New York Post, despite the return of COVID restrictions, the Obama’s will be hosting nearly five hundred guests at their modest $12 million oceanfront home to celebrate His Royal Majesty’s sixtieth birthday. The Event of the SeasonTM will include at least two hundred servants to wait on them hand and foot.

Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney will be in attendance, and Pearl Jam will perform for the birthday boy and his guests. They’re even bringing in a local coiffeur to see to Pearl Jam’s every hair need.

Now, supposedly they will only be inviting those who have been vaccinated. But Massachusetts has reinstated masking regardless of vaccination status. What are the odds that all of the nearly seven hundred people in attendance will be wearing masks? Then again, COVID restrictions are really only for us rags and tatters, not our betters. We all know it. But these people just can’t stop rubbing our faces in it.

As Jesse Kelly put it this morning:

REMINDER: None of the people lecturing you about masks and “we’re all in this together” and lockdowns have had to make a single adjustment to their lives. None of them. The pandemic of the haves and have nots.

And that’s the nub of it.