Thursday, August 5, 2021

Biden's ATF Nominee Is in Even More Trouble After Failing to Disclose Appearance on Chinese Media

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Today we found out there’s yet another problem with Joe Biden’s extremist nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, David Chipman.

As part of his review, Chipman failed to disclose to the Senate his appearance on Chinese state television, China Global Television Network (CGTN). What was he doing appearing on the Chinese propaganda channel which has had to register as a foreign agent under FARA? He was talking about “gun violence” in the United States after the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in 2012.

Indeed, CGTN was concentrating on the Sandy Hook shooting as part of an effort to downplay a mass stabbing of 23 children in Henan, China. So Chipman was participating in a propaganda effort, knowingly or unknowingly.

While Chipman revealed many media appearances he’d made or quotes he’d given to media, 16 pages full, he neglected to mention this appearance on Chinese state television when asked in a questionnaire by the Senate.

So there’s another question with regard to China when it comes to the Biden administration.

Add that to the other troubling facts already hanging out there about this candidate and you get why this nominee is in big trouble.

Chipman is a rabid gun control extremist who wants to get rid of guns like the AR-15. He also had a wacky belief that the Branch Davidians shot down a helicopter at Waco. According to Fox, a recent report also corroborated allegations that Chipman had made racist comments about Black ATF agents up for promotion so now Republicans are calling for a second hearing on him to put his feet to the fire more. They’re also looking into allegations that he lost his weapon while an ATF agent.

According to The Reload, several former ATF agents have come out against him.

Seven former agents, each with 25 or more years of experience at the ATF, wrote a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee leaders on Tuesday urging them to vote against David Chipman. In a copy of the letter obtained by The Reload, the agents criticize Chipman’s turn from ATF agent to paid gun-control activist. They argued he did not have the experience or temperament to lead the agency and his appointment would degrade ATF’s ability to do its job.

“David’s strong personal beliefs on firearms issues will create serious and long-lasting problems for the Bureau and the effective execution of its law enforcement mission,” the agents said in the letter. “We relied on effective partnerships with industry, stakeholders, and other law enforcement agencies to execute our missions. Unfortunately, if David were confirmed, ATF partners would see someone who is coming to the agency with his top priority being to implement a divisive gun control agenda.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to kill two birds with one stone, arguing that Republicans fighting Chipman’s nomination were helping the spike in crime because they were keeping him from getting confirmed.

Of course, that was flat-out nonsense since the rise in crime is in areas that have virtually nothing to do with the ATF (local gun crimes) and can be traced back to the riots and the defund the police movement pushed by the Democrats and other folks on the left. But that isn’t something that Psaki or the Democrats want to admit.

Plus, it’s not only Republicans who have questions about Chipman, as Psaki claimed. Sen. Angus King (I-ME), who caucuses with the Democrats, said he is not currently supporting Chipman. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is undecided and there may be even more Democrats who are.