Thursday, August 5, 2021

Biden Admin Has Dropped Thousands of COVID+ Illegal Migrants Into Just One Texas Town


Article by Bryan Preston in PJMedia

Biden Admin Has Dropped Thousands of COVID+ Illegal Migrants Into Just One Texas Town

Over the past week we’ve reported on Joe Biden’s COVID hotels. They’re places where the administration is stashing COVID+ illegals without telling local or state authorities, and at least in some cases without even quarantining them. These COVID+ individuals and groups are free to move outside the hotel. Some were caught at a Whataburger next to a major highway a fortnight ago. No one knows the full facts because the Biden administration isn’t telling anyone, not the state or local authorities or the media.

In this week’s C’Mon Now! I predicted that more similar hotels and stashing would come to light. To be honest, I thought it would take a little longer. It’s taken less than a week.

Those numbers are mind-numbing. The Biden government is releasing thousands of COVID+ people per week who have no legal right to be in the country while also browbeating Americans about getting vaccinated. Biden’s Department of Justice is also suing Texas because Gov. Greg Abbott is trying to protect Texans from what are now multiple potential super-spreader events in the state. We know of three so far: the COVID hotel in La Joya, a second COVID hotel in Weslaco, and now the declared disaster in McAllen. There are likely many more.

Bill Melugin follows up his tweets with a report at Fox News.

There were more than 188,000 migrant encounters in June, and that number is expected to rise above 200,000 in July — the highest number in decades. While single adults and some migrant family units are being expelled by Title 42 public health protections, unaccompanied children and migrant families with young children are being processed and released into the U.S.

It’s of course impossible to know how many COVID+ are coming into Texas undetected.

Gov. Ron De Santis probably speaks for all Americans who see Biden’s hypocrisy regarding the undefended border, the COVID surge, and his pestering of Americans.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday cited the border as he responded to what he saw as Biden “singling out” Florida.

“Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you,” the Republican governor said.


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