Saturday, May 8, 2021

Chinese Military Scientists Discussed Weaponizing SARS Coronaviruses In Document Obtained By U.S. Government: Australian Media

Article by Ryan Saavedra in The Daily Wire


Chinese Military Scientists Discussed Weaponizing SARS Coronaviruses In Document Obtained By U.S. Government: Australian Media

Scientists in the Chinese military discussed weaponizing SARS coronaviruses in a document obtained by the United States Government where they discussed their ideas about using biological weapons to win a third world war.

“The document, written by People’s Liberation Army scientists and senior Chinese public health officials in 2015, was obtained by the US State Department as it conducted an investigation into the origins of COVID-19,” The Weekend Australian reported exclusively. “The paper describes SARS ­coronaviruses as heralding a ‘new era of genetic weapons’ and says they can be ‘artificially manipulated into an emerging human ­disease virus, then weaponized and unleashed in a way never seen before.’”

The report was careful to caution that no information has been made public suggesting that the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic was the result of an intentional act. Many officials have urged investigations into the Wuhan Institute of Virology to determine if that lab, which is China’s only Biosafety Level-4 lab (BSL-4), had any role in the origin of the pandemic. BSL-4 is a designation for facilities that are designed to handle pathogens so contagious and dangerous that “infections caused by these microbes are frequently fatal and without treatment or vaccines,” according to the CDC.

The report states that chairmen of the British and Australian foreign affairs and intelligence committees, Tom ­Tugendhat and James Paterson, were alarmed by the document, and indicated that it raised serious concerns over the transparency coming out of communist China about the origins of the pandemic. The document is titled, “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons.”

The Australian reports:

Some of China’s senior public health and military figures are ­listed among the 18 authors of the document, including the former deputy director of China’s Bureau of Epidemic Prevention, Li Feng. Ten of the authors are scientists and weapons experts affiliated with the Air Force Medical ­University in Xi’an, ranked “very high-risk” for its level of defense research, including its work on medical and psychological sciences, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s ­Defense Universities Tracker.

The Air Force Medical University, also known as the Fourth Medical University, was placed under the command of the PLA under President Xi Jinping’s military reforms in 2017. The editor-in-chief of the paper, Xu Dezhong, reported to the top leadership of the Chinese Military Commission and Ministry of Health during the SARS epidemic of 2003, briefing them 24 times and preparing three reports, according to his online ­biography.

He also held the position of professor and doctoral supervisor in the Air Force Medical University’s Military Epidemiology ­Department. Other authors include Zhang Jiangxia and Zhao Ningning, who both served as experiment scientists in the same department.

The Australian verified the authenticity of the paper through digital forensics expert Robert Pottinger, who has worked for three of the five governments, including the U.S., represented in Five Eyes, an intelligence alliance comprised of the U.S., Australia, Canada, the U.K., and New Zealand.

A significant area of concern surrounding the bioweapons research involves what is known as “Gain of Function” research where scientists create and alter viruses to make them more contagious and lethal.

“There is no clear distinction for research capability because whether it’s used offensively or defensively is not a decision these scientists would take,” Australian Strategic Policy ­Institute Executive Director Peter Jennings said. “If you are building skills ostensibly to protect your military from a biological attack, you’re at the same time giving your military a capacity to use these weapons ­offensively. You can’t separate the two.”

The document highlights how biological warfare “could cause the enemy’s medical system to collapse,” among other things.

Continue reading the report here. 

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