Saturday, May 8, 2021

Birthing People don’t let your babies grow up to be Cowpersons

NEWSFLASH: Only women can get pregnant.

If you want an example of First World Problems, look no further than this push to strip women of motherhood. Despite the fact that only women can have babies, now members of Congress are referring to women who give birth as birthing people.

It’s more inclusive, don’t you know.

Birthing people.

Do these idiots ever listen to themselves?

And if they won’t say pregnant women, why are they calling it the MOMMIES Act? Isn’t that gender specific?

Remember a few years ago when Justin Trudeau corrected some apostate for referring to mankind? He quickly jumped in and said, “Peoplekind.”

We all chuckled at that stupid little clown.

Then, Gavin Newsom’s wife rejected the term “First Lady” in favor of “First Partner” in order to be “gender neutral.”

And we all rolled our eyes and laughed.

Now members of the US House of Representatives are calling pregnant women birthing people.

We are officially just as much a clown world as Canada and California.

Yesterday Congresswoman Cori Bush (BLM-Mo) testified before Congress about her struggles as a black birthing person. So proud of her navel-gazing Victimhood, Cori tweeted out a video clip with this message.

Every day, Black birthing people and our babies die because our doctors don’t believe our pain. My children almost became a statistic. I almost became a statistic.

I testified about my experience @OversightDems today.

Hear us. Believe us. Because for so long, nobody has.

If only Cori knew someone in Congress who could do something about her plight … wait …

Let’s leave aside Cori’s racist claim that doctors don’t care about her because of her skin color. And let’s also leave aside her implying only black women feel pain or die during childbirth.

And even though the whole navel-gazing, struggle session vibe of this new Congress is the most embarrassing and stupid thing ever, let’s also leave aside that a member of Congress is testifying before Congress.

The fact that this clown lumps herself into a group called birthing people automatically means I won’t take a single thing she says seriously.

She isn’t a birthing person; she’s a woman.

And, hang on to your hats folks, only women can give birth.

But of course the abortion folks – or birthing stoppers if you will – are hopping aboard as well.

Becket Adams birthing people tweet

When talking about pregnancy, you don’t need to use “gender neutral language” for crap’s sake. Because, and I know I’m repeating myself, only women can give birth.

We’re altering language in order to accommodate a tiny percentage of people with a mental disorder.

And as Becket Adams said, we’re erasing that unique and powerful gift only women possess – the gift of bringing a child into the world. All on the whims of activists who want to twist and bend the world to play along with the delusions of a teeny, tiny minority.

If you think you are a man and you get pregnant, it doesn’t prove that *every” body can get pregnant and give birth. Instead it proves that you are not, despite your delusions, a man. You are a woman.

And taking hormones and mutilating your body — or exchanging the term “pregnant women” for “birthing people” — doesn’t change that basic scientific fact.