Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Biden Admin Authorizes BLM Messaging and Flying BLM Flag at US Embassies


Article by Nick Arama in RedState

Biden Admin Authorizes BLM Messaging and Flying BLM Flag at US Embassies

According to Human Events, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has issued a directive to all “Diplomatic and Consular posts” in regard to the commemoration of the death of George Floyd on May 25. Human Events says they got a leaked copy of the directive.

The directive describes the evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement and notes the following:

May 25 marks the one-year commemoration of George Floyd’s murder. For 9 minutes and 29 seconds, the world saw firsthand how police officers brutally took the life of an unarmed Black man in the United States. These viral images ignited national and global Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests and demonstrations. This tragedy joined a long line of Black men and women who have suffered at the hands of police brutality. These national and global protests sparked a movement to confront systems perpetuating deep-seated inequities rooted in colonialism and the oppression of racial, tribal, ethnic, and other minority communities. Mr. Floyd’s murder prompted an international outcry to seek racial justice and equity by dismantling systemic racism and eradicating police brutality
affecting communities of color, most acutely, people of African descent.

The directive encouraged the usage of BLM terms and messaging.

The Department supports the use of the term “Black Lives Matter” in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond. We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.

This directive gives the Chief of Mission at any of these posts a blanket authorization to fly the BLM flag on the external flagpole for the calendar year 2021. It’s not a “requirement,” but it is an authorization. So not just for May 25, but for the year, if they choose to have it. While they mention messaging mostly around May 25, it’s clearly an authorization for beyond just that day.

This is just disgraceful given the hundreds of BLM actions that turned into riots and/or became violent, with people being killed, millions, if not billions, in damage, with hundreds of police and others being injured. This, despite the radical political nature of the BLM movement, with its trained Marxist co-founders and push to “defund the police.”

As we previously reported, polling has indicated that any support that BLM might have gained in the immediate wake of the death of George Floyd because people cared cratered after the riots, that now they have even less support than they had before Floyd’s death, that it turned to outright opposition so much so that it wasn’t likely to change any time soon.

But that’s not preventing the radical Biden team from now promoting them in our name, on our U.S. flagpoles, around the world.


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