Tuesday, May 25, 2021

AOC: January 6 was like serving in war

What  a  friggin’  drama  queen.

The Democrats, not to mention some Republicans, can’t stop with the over-the-top histrionics over the January 6 melee at the Capitol.

It really is getting silly.

But if you think Liz Cheney or Nancy Pelosi have been bad, they’re nothing compared to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her responses to the January 6 riot were already crazy. But over the last four months they’ve only gotten crazier and more outlandish.

Last Friday, in an interview with “Latino USA,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed that members of Congress “served in war” because a mob of idiots trespassed on the Capitol on January 6 for a few hours.

“This was an all-out attempted coup,” G.I. AOC said.

Hahahaha! No it wasn’t.

What happened on January 6 wasn’t a coup.

It wasn’t an “insurrection.”

And it sure as hell wasn’t your Vietnam, you silly clown.

Just because you were hiding in a building nearby when the riot began doesn’t make you Audie Murphy for crap’s sake.

But wait. She said more!

“If 60 seconds went differently, if a different door was opened, if a chair wasn’t barricaded in a certain way, we could have a completely different reality right now,” G.I. AOC said.

Yes, and if I was born differently, if, for example, I could crap gold ingots, I’d be writing this from a completely different, more expensive house right now.

“We don’t want to acknowledge that that’s how close we got,” the simpering idiot continued, “but that is how close we got.”

Listen you ridiculous drama queen. You weren’t even in the friggin’ Capitol on January 6. You’re closer to death riding the subway than you were on January 6.

The people whose businesses were looted and burned to the ground during last summer’s riots were closer to death than G.I. AOC.

Not that she gives a damn about them. She’s too busy imagining a “different reality” where she served in war (AKA hid in a bathroom in a totally separate building).

Honestly, every time I think this woman can’t get any more melodramatic she opens up her gaping, lipsticked maw and totally resets the bar.

Now, I get it. Pelosi wants to drag out January 6 in order to use it as a bludgeon during the 2022 midterms.

But if she hopes to be successful, Nancy really should tell G.I. AOC to shut her bright red pie-hole. Because saying they served in war for “surviving” January 6 is so ridiculously over-the-top, even many Democrat voters will laugh at the absurdity of it.

Hat tip: the UK Independent

January 6