Sunday, February 21, 2021

Retired General Chosen By Pelosi to Head ‘Independent Review’ of Capitol Hill Riots

Retired General Honoré, Chosen By Pelosi to Head ‘Independent Review’ of Capitol Hill Riots, Under Fire For Bigoted, Partisan and Profane Remarks

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to be trying to rig an “independent security review” of the January 6th Capitol riots by appointing an extreme left-wing partisan to lead the investigation, and Republicans are starting to cry foul.

Retired Lt. General Russel Honoré, hand-picked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last month to oversee the “9/11-style” commission, is under increased scrutiny after numerous crude, extreme, and profoundly partisan tweets and comments have come to light.

Honoré, best known for leading relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, was appointed by Pelosi without any consultation with Republicans.

House Administration Committee Ranking Member Rodney Davis, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer, and House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes wrote a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding answers regarding the security decisions surrounding the Capitol riots, particularly, her part in the decision to deny the Capitol Police Chief’s request for National Guard support, and her refusal to comply with requests to turn over materials relevant to the decision.

In their letter to Pelosi, Davis, Jordan, Comer and Nunes also expressed concern that the House’s “independent security review” of the event would not be free of political motivations.

As American Greatness reported on Monday, the retired general viciously decried President Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria in Sept. of 2017, characterizing Trump’s perceived mishandling of the disaster as a biproduct of his alleged racism.

“The president has shown again, you don’t give a damn about poor people, you don’t give a damn about people of color and the SOB that rides around in Air Force One is denying services needed by the people of Puerto Rico,” the retired general said on CNN.

Since Monday, several more partisan and profane comments have come to light featuring Honoré blasting Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mis.) and other Republicans for objecting to the 2020 election results, blaming conservative Capitol Police for “allowing Trumpsters” to get into the Capitol, and savaging President Trump.

“That little peace of shit with his @Yale law degree should be run out of DC and Disbarred ASAP,” Lt. General Russel Honoré wrote of Hawley in a now deleted Twitter post on January 11.

Becker News unearthed several more tweets that point to the general’s extreme partisanship. On November 18, Honoré tweeted out a meme with an image of himself wearing a black mask on the left and President Trump looking gruff on the right. The tweet included a statement he apparently made last March beckoning the president to “stop the bullshit” and deploy the National Guard “to meet national testing needs.”

The general said, “we need a quick, mass, flexible, accurate system to win this war. Stop the bullshit, the 50 state solution is not working, we are losing the Covid-19 war.”

In another tweet, Honoré tweeted somewhat incoherently, “Covid19 the @WhiteHouse Shit Show. Wear ya Damn Mask. Stay ya Aaa Home.”

In another bizarre tweet, Honoré lashed out at several Republican Louisiana lawmakers in the wake of the Capitol riots.

“Crying Damn Shame we already last on most list now y’all go do this stupid shit!,” the general wrote.  “Now go kiss the Dems ass and get $ For LA.”

On Twitter, Honoré  had a habit of retweeting left-wing agitprop from the likes of lefty director Rob Reiner, and the New Republic, according to Becker News.

But it gets worse.

As the video below shows, the man chosen by Pelosi to lead the security review of the Capitol riots, agreed with left-wing talk show host Roland Martin in an interview on Jan. 10 that former president Trump, his son Donald Trump Jr., and Rudy Giuliani should all be arrested for “causing an insurrection.”

Honoré’ also told the host that the reason some people think the election was stolen is because “they don’t want to lose their white power. They don’t like the browning of America.”

The general went on to claim—without evidence—that those questioning the election were motivated by racism.

“It took the sheet off a lot of people claiming to be conservatives, and what they are are racists,” he said.

Incredibly, he also urged the feds to bar freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) from flying on commercial aircraft, tweeting “put her stupid A** on a No Fly List @SpeakerPelosi.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL.) posted on Twitter a video montage of  Honoré’s most outrageous statements and tweets.

“Pelosi hired a bigot to hunt MAGA,” Gaetz wrote.