Sunday, February 21, 2021

President Trump Set to Trigger Big Ugly in March, Will Pre-Screen Candidates for 2022 Mid-Term Support

A very interesting article from Politico notes that President Trump is positioning himself to screen candidates for 2022 who support the MAGA initiatives.  This would essentially be considered a hostile move by the professional republican elites.

As we previously mentioned, no republican is going to win any nomination, primary or general election without the MAGA endorsement of President Donald J Trump.   This is the leverage that begins the “Big Ugly”, the destruction of the DeceptiCon wing of the UniParty bird.

POLITICO – […] According to three people familiar with the planning, Trump will soon begin vetting candidates at Mar-a-Lago who are eager to fulfill his promise to exact vengeance upon incumbent Republicans who’ve scorned him, and to ensure every open GOP seat in the 2022 midterms has a MAGA-approved contender vying for it.

Trump already has received dozens of requests from prospective candidates seeking to introduce themselves and nab his endorsement, and formal meetings with them could begin as early as March. Now that Trump has survived his second Senate impeachment trial, he has shifted his focus to post-presidential activism — a venture mostly bankrolled by his new leadership PAC, Save America, which had $31 million in its coffers at the start of this month. (read more)