Monday, January 18, 2021

Who We 'Need to Watch' as 'Shadow President' in Biden Administration: It's Not Who You Think

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” former acting-Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell weighed in with host Maria Bartiromo about who he thinks will be running what in the Biden administration. Including the presidency.

After playing a clip from November in which Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) suggested Barack Obama would be the puppet master of Joe Biden’s presidency, Bartiromo turned to Grenell for his speculation on the issue.

Bartiromo began by asking Grenell for his thoughts on former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice — who you might recall went on five Sunday talk shows and lied about an obscure YouTube video as the reason for the attack by Islamist extremists on the U.S. special mission in Benghazi, Lybia, in which Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs, were killed — Stevens, horrifically so.

Bartiromo, incorrectly saying Rice has been tapped to run Biden’s Foreign Policy Council, a position that doesn’t require Senate confirmation, asked Grenell where the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations might fit into the larger Biden puzzle.

Grenell first corrected the host on Rice’s announced position.

“So Susan Rice has been tapped to do domestic policy, and what is really interesting about that is she’s got no experience in domestic policy. She is going to be somebody who is incredibly influential. Remember that she was National Security Advisor so she knows that entire apparatus. […]

“So I think the reality is she’s gonna be running foreign policy, domestic policy. She’s probably extremely happy that Kamala Harris is going to be preoccupied with the Senate, trying to manage 50-50, being the 101st senator, there, and won’t have a lot of time to get into policy issues.”

Ah, perhaps a bit of palace intrigue — between Rice and Harris? Wishful thinking?

Grenell then rolled out a prediction.

“I think you need to watch Susan Rice very closely. She will be the shadow president. We have a president-elect in Joe Biden who clearly is not the Joe Biden of 10 years ago. He’s not even the Joe Biden of 5 years ago when it comes to policy issues.”

Oops. Kamala Harris was unavailable for comment. [sarc]

Grenell also weighed in on how in the hell Biden became the Democrat nominee and ultimately the president-elect.

“We saw him raise his hand during the Democratic primary for some really radical ideas. The progressives have clearly taken over him and I think that that’s why he won.

They wanted someone who had a name that they could control and Susan Rice being right there at the White House to be the shadow president is probably exactly where she wants to be, behind the scenes. And unchecked.”

“They wanted someone who had a name that they could control.” “Behind the scenes, unchecked.” Almost sounds like a line from a Tom Clancy novel, doesn’t it?

So here we go. In less than 72 hours, everything old will be new again. Except for Biden. He’ll be even older, this go-around. It’s a good thing Kamala Harris and Susan Rice will be there to “assist” the addled old guy. [rolling-eyes emoji]