Monday, January 18, 2021

A Fitting Inauguration

A crowd-free swearing-in is a fitting Inauguration for a guy who waved to empty fields and campaigned in front of a dozen of empty chairs set inside giant white circles.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden will be sworn in under the watchful eyes of the people required to be there and nobody else. It seems a fitting Inauguration for the guy whose campaign events were attended by the people required to be there and nobody else.

Weeks before the Capitol riot, I said to my brother that I think the reason the Biden team was urging people not to attend the Inauguration wasn’t because of COVID, but because they knew his Inauguration would be a sparsely-attended flop. So they used a virus with a 99% recovery rate as a convenient excuse to spare themselves any embarrassment.

It was the same excuse they deployed to explain why Biden’s “rallies” generally consisted of nothing more than a ten or fifteen cars in a parking lot.

A crowd-free swearing-in is a fitting Inauguration for a guy who waved to empty fields and campaigned in front of a dozen of empty chairs set inside giant white circles.

If you can barely fill the backyard of someone’s home, it probably goes without saying that you won’t be getting hundreds of thousands to turn out for your swearing in.

When the majority of legal votes you received were people voting against Trump and not for you, it’s hardly a surprise that Biden Fever never caught on.

Remember when Joe went up to Kenosha after the riots? Unlike Trump who had been there just before him, nobody was out on the street to cheer for Joe. Hardly anyone turned up at all. And the Biden campaign explained the embarrassing optics by claiming they intended his visit to be low-key.

Team Biden couldn’t risk an Inauguration where nobody turns up. That kind of thing is much harder to explain away. I mean, it’s not like they can say, “Well, an Inauguration is a low-key event.”

In that respect the brief riot at the Capitol was manna from heaven for Team Biden. Now they have a built-in excuse for a non-attended, unenthusiastic Inauguration.

There won’t be that awkward moment of having to explain why none of the supposed 80 million voters showed up. And the “We had to keep Biden safe from marauding White Supremacist Insurrectionists” excuse works way better than the “We had to because of COVID!” excuse.

That’s in part because the “marauding White Supremacist Insurrectionists” excuse makes Biden look like a victim. And we all know how important Victimhood is to the Left. More importantly, it makes anyone who didn’t vote for Biden look like a monster.

And what more fitting Inauguration can there be for a man who zoomed in his campaign than a virtual one? I don’t know if they worked out all the painfully embarrassing kinks they experienced during their “virtual” convention.

And I will never know because I won’t be watching.

I have no interest in watching the weeklong “virtual” Inauguration with gushing celebrities engaging in pre-written “off-the-cuff” banter. And I certainly don’t need to watch near-tears cable news personalities prattle on about how “historic” and “transformative” the near-octogenarian and his mocha-colored sidekick are.

I won’t plug in to this simulation.

And something tells me, I won’t be the only one who won’t.