Friday, January 22, 2021

A ‘Restoration Caucus’ for Resisting the Globalist Occupation Regime

A place to start the purification of the Republican Party as a vehicle for national restoration is by creating a caucus that relentlessly primaries globalists and pushes an America First agenda. 

The James Buchanan presidency is now upon us. I hoped that things would work out differently, that somehow President Trump—despite his many faults—would carry the day. The final outcome, however, did not surprise me. Now is a time for choosing. 

I have accepted the fact that I can no longer remain in my chosen profession of public education. I can no longer work for an institution that is in the hands of a globalist occupation regime, a regime whose only unifying characteristic is its implicit hostility to the historical American nation and its descendants. I am changing careers and moving to Red America.

Why “globalist occupation regime?” Because it sums up the essence of our situation.

It is globalist. It sees the world—nations, cultures, localities, religions, and people as replaceable Legos. The globalist is a “citizen of the world,” which is to say a citizen of nowhere. The globalist is just as likely to be a capitalist as he is to be a Communist. 

Not understanding this fact is perhaps the greatest oversight made by right-leaning thinkers for at least a half-century. They believed that international Communism was the greatest threat to the United States. They did not understand that international capitalism—with its love for dual citizenship, transnational elites, its predatory and exploitative view of national economies, and its relentless drive for profit over local economies was as great a threat as the revolutionary communist menace. 

As the most powerful international corporations conspire to stifle and destroy populism in the Republican Party or drive it back into submission as the permanent outer party, this will become more and more clear.

What Is American Citizenship Today?

It is an “occupation” because the constituent parts of the globalist project are unelected, unaccountable, and united by a common set of woke beliefs. It is a leviathan that includes a kaleidoscope of seemingly unrelated industries: most S&P 100 corporations, universities, K-12 schools, Big Tech, mainstream print and online media, sporting and music entertainment, Hollywood, and most of the federal bureaucracy. They are both related and working independently toward the same globalist vision. They do not need coordination.

Research the political donations of any one of the hundreds of institutions at Open Secrets. Are they mostly staffed by friends or foes? Did you, I, or anyone else who loves America consent to their rule, their regulations, and their view of the world? No. We were never asked. The language of occupation is the only appropriate language to use for such institutions.

It is a regime because its various parts have all flagrantly shown their disregard for the bedrock upon which our civic culture is founded: citizenship-based popular sovereignty. What is citizenship in this country today? 

It is diluted by the fraud of dual citizenship. How many leaders within the leviathan are dual citizens with multiple loyalties? It is difficult to know since the U.S. government doesn’t even track it. Likewise, it is diluted by the ability of our increasingly globalist corporate leadership to buy, sell, and use the U.S. government regardless of whether or not such actions help the prosperity of the American nation. It is cheapened by the insane practice of birthright citizenship bestowed even to even alien trespassers on American soil (almost 500,000 per year). 

Are we citizens, or mere subjects? Does this government deserve the legitimacy of a word like “administration”?

Thwarting Woke Imperialism

What is the way out? In the short term, I am not optimistic at the national level. The larger the scale, the more likely legitimate resistance will be derailed and rendered toothless by “Republican” plutocrats. The last thing America needs is another reboot of populism characterized by tax cuts and laissez-faire for the leviathan. 

A place to start the purification of the Republican Party as a vehicle for national restoration and salvation is by creating a caucus that relentlessly primaries globalists and pushes an America-First agenda. Call it the “Restoration Caucus.” It ought to have at least five or six non-negotiables: a total halt to immigration to the United States of at least a decade, tariffs to bring manufacturing back to the United States, an end to both birthright and dual-citizenship, the abolition of infanticide, higher taxes on predatory international corporations, and a total rebuild of the administrative state to replace globalists with nationalists.

Whether such an endeavor would reap immediate results is unclear. Change at the state and local level may be a different story, however. 

Red state legislatures and governors needed to begin something similar to Committees of Correspondence yesterday to coordinate their response to the coming woke tyranny that aims to force Catholic doctors to perform abortions and evangelical Christians to bake objectional cakes. They must band together to defy the globalist occupation regime. They need to devise methods to punish globalist companies with more onerous regulations, higher taxes, and less amenable government. And they should reward allies with lower taxes, more contracts, and more patronage. 

It is not enough simply to write laws that are designed to thwart woke imperialism and blue colonialism in the red heartland. What is needed are red-state politicians at every level of government—from the city to the county to the state level—who are willing to pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to defending America, the real, historical America, from subjugation.

Thucydides said the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. Is red America strong or weak? There are still tens of millions of us. Let us believe we are strong and act on it. I am acting on it by moving to red America, and I’m not moving to be “left alone” while waiting to become a dhimmi in my own country once again. I’m doing it to fight alongside others so that my children and grandchildren never have to become a refugee in their own homeland like I have become in my home state. Freedom is too valuable and being able to hold one’s head in pride at our patrimony is too precious for us to just let it go.