Sunday, June 28, 2020

Priest and Other Catholics Praying Rosary Stand Between Statue of St. Louis and Mob that Wants to Rip It Down

 AP featured image
Article by Nick Arama in "RedState":

As my colleague Susie Moore previously reported, the radicals were coming for the statue of St. Louis, King Louis IX of France, a Catholic saint and the person for whom St. Louis is named.

Named the Apotheosis of St. Louis, the statue was built in 1906 and stands at the Saint Louis Art Museum. 

But Catholics came out to pray at the base of the statue, to stand between it and the mob that wanted to tear it down.

Some reciting prayers during protest at statue of King Louis IX on Art Hill in St. Louis.

About a dozen St. Louis police officers have formed a line between those saying prayers and those who want the King Louis IX statue removed.

Liz Wheeler
Gotta love a nerdy young priest who knows the history of St. Louis! Father, may God bless you for speaking the TRUTH in the face of this rude mob
 They screamed and yelled foul language at people praying the Rosary. Warning for language. 
Arguments continue at the Louis IX statue. There have been a few scuffles; last police officer left about 20 minutes ago despite lingering tensions. 

 They defaced the base of the statue, writing bad and false things about St. Louis. 
Some have drawn chalk messages on the King Louis IX statue.

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 At one point, Fr. Stephen Schumacher of the St. Louis Archdiocese stood between them and the statue and tried to talk sense to them, explaining the history, that St. Louis when King of France had done good works for his people which is one of the reasons he’s a saint and the city is named for him. But the mob even tried to shout down a priest and showed they failed to understand history. They didn’t care what he had to say or the facts, they’ve been told to hate it so they must rip it down. 

Even though he knows the history and they don’t, they still think they know more.

Nothing more heroic than standing, literally, in the face of the angry mob, with the calmness of truth. Notice how they also threatened the St. Louis Cathedral when he told them to go there and learn the history, one says, “Eventually, we’re taking that too, though.” 

The Archdiocese issued a formal statement, defending the statue and St. Louis. 

From Fox 2:
The Archdiocese said in their statement that the public “should not seek to erase history, but recognize and learn from it.”
They defended the statue of the saint and recounted his road to sainthood. When ruling Louis IX “focused on impartial justice, protecting the rights of his subjects, steep penalties for royal officials abusing power, and a series of initiatives to help the poor.” The Archdiocese also noted that Louis IX performed numerous charitable acts such as feeding the poor and creating hospitals.
“For Catholics, St. Louis is an example of an imperfect man who strived to live a life modeled after the life of Jesus Christ.”

First, they came for the Confederate statues, now they’re coming for everything, even Catholic saints. Anything that could offend them must come down, even if it’s the actions of someone from the 13th century that they don’t understand.

It’s about pulling down all cultural or symbolic moorings, until there is nothing safe. It’s on the road to the Red Guard all over again and “the destruction of the four olds.”

Groups of students at schools and universities appointed themselves as Red Guards. Many of them were as young as 13 years old. You can read about what they did here …

A 1971 report from the NYT describes how sweeping the destruction of the “four olds” had been (Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, Old Ideas). E.g. It was common for Chinese homes to have altars to ancestors.
Red Guards entered homes & destroyed them

Wildfire in Utah causes major evacuation

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:55 PM PT — Sunday, June 28, 2020
A wildfire spreading in Lehi, Utah has forced more than 40 homes to evacuate. According to reports, strong winds caused the fire to spread rapidly across at least 500 anchors of land on Sunday.
The fire was proven to be caused by fireworks, which were set off on Saturday night. Flames were said to be up to 40 feet tall.

Evacuees were taken to Red Cross evacuation shelters, where they were tested for COVID-19 upon entry.
Utah authorities have reportedly apprehended a suspect, who is cooperating with law enforcement.

“It just costs a lot of people a lot of heartache. I would ask that people, you know, follow the rules. They’re posted at all the firework stands, where you can and can’t shoot them off, and safety precautions, so please follow those.” – Chief Jeremy Craft, Lehi Fire Department
Thus far, the fire has not damaged any homes or structures

Trump Calls For Tougher Republican Response To ‘Political War’

In an Oval Office interview with The Federalist's Ben Domenech, President Trump calls on Republicans to stand strong and unite against lawlessness.

In a wide-ranging interview in the Oval Office Friday, President Donald J. Trump said that the country is in the midst of “a political war … where the left will use anything to win, including the culture.”

The president said that to restore order and win in 2020, his Republican allies “need to be stronger” in standing up to rioters and those who would tear down statues. “They’ve got to get much tougher,” Trump said, drawing comparisons to moments when Republicans stood together on impeachment and in battles over judicial nominees. “They have to be stronger, have to come together,” or risk losing politically and worse.

While acknowledging the “horrible” scene that played out in Minnesota with the death of George Floyd, Trump argued that the Floyd-related protest movement has since morphed into an “anti-cop, defund the police, anti-American” movement that puts American communities at risk.

“Police never get the credit they deserve by politicians, who are being weak,” Trump said, positing that fear of criticizing the excesses of rioters and violent protesters is driven by political correctness and the danger of being called “racist.”

Trump referred to the Black Lives Matter political organization as having an “extremist” agenda and criticized New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for wanting to close Fifth Avenue to paint the group’s titular slogan on the street.

“Republicans need to be fighting,” Trump said, citing the ideology of the more radical agitators in the streets as “vicious” and “seditious.” As the president recognizes, the goals of those sowing the seeds of unrest are clear. “You see their leaders on TV saying ‘give us what we want, or we’ll burn down this system and replace it.’ That’s almost terrorism.”

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is coordinating the response to the ongoing violent riots, which includes connecting with the anti-terror task force and the Department of Justice. According to Attorney General Bill Barr, there are over 500 current investigations in process.

“We have, right now, about 500 investigations underway, so it’s picking up pace. We are committed to holding accountable the people who engaged in this,” Barr told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and host Michael Knowles in a podcast released Thursday. “State and local are not doing their jobs.”

For his part, the president seemed frustrated that he was being called in to deal with problems within Democratic-represented states and Democratic-run cities.

“This should be about the mayor, and then the governor, before it even gets to the president,” Trump said, noting that while he has made the National Guard available to restore order in many cities, “they haven’t called for them.”

“But you look at a place like Seattle, and if I had to go in there, I will,” Trump said, referring to the autonomous zone that has taken over several blocks of the city for weeks.

Trump Expects To Be Banned By Twitter

In response to a question on whether he expects to soon be banned by Twitter — where he has over 82 million followers — Trump said: “Yes, I do.”

The president believes the ban from the popular platform will happen in the fall before the 2020 election, an opinion shared by others in the White House. For Trump and those close to him, Twitter’s reaction to two recent tweets — including one where he warned rioters against breaking the law — are being taken as warning shots.

“Some people say I should join Parler,” Trump said. “Maybe. We do have over 194 million followers, though, across multiple sites.” Trump complimented Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, saying he had been far more open and less biased in his treatment. But as for a Twitter ban: “I expect it will hurt them more than they realize.”

Regarding regulation of the big tech industry, the president raised the prospect of reform of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act as being a potential approach to dealing with frustrations. He offered his complements and support to Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, who has been pushing the issue.

“Section 230 is a double-edged sword,” Trump said, but “would be a much bigger problem for these companies than even just breaking them up … because you would have to be fighting lawsuits all the time. And believe me, I know a little about that.”

“But I want these companies to be successful, and to be based here in America because if you go too far, they end up looking at what is being offered by China instead,” Trump added. “And I don’t want that.”

Trump Decries “Corrupt” Media

Describing the media as “worse than fake news”, Trump expressed derision for prize-winning journalism which ultimately proved false.

“The Pulitzer Prize is a joke,” Trump said. “Giving the Pulitzer to the New York Times, the Washington Post for wrong coverage, false coverage? Years of it on Russia? They should all have to give them back.”

Trump expressed particular disdain for New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. “She likes to pretend as if she’s on the inside,” Trump said, “she has a picture with me like so many people do, but I haven’t talked to her in over a year, maybe even longer.”

Trump Views Court As Key to 2020 Success

Despite facing serious political headwinds as well as some cautionary recent polling data, Trump’s mood was confident and relaxed. Acknowledging the challenge of proving he can lead the country out of a global pandemic and an economic funk, he said that re-election looked easy “as recently as three, four months ago” before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

“We proved what we could do, cutting taxes, cutting regulations, job numbers like nothing before,” Trump said. The key, he acknowledged, was to convince voters he can repeat that success.

Trump emphasized the importance of judicial appointments and the Supreme Court as central to his appeal in 2020. “It’s maybe not the majority we thought it was,” Trump said, raising the court’s decisions on DACA and the census among other examples. “We’re just one justice away from losing the court, and the next four years, you get two, maybe three, maybe even four. You just need one, and then we lose the court and the country as we know it.”

Referring to Joe Biden as “a Trojan Horse” for leftist policy, Trump said that he fully expects the left flank of the Democratic Party, represented by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to push Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer to deploy the “nuclear option,” banning the filibuster to jam radical, far-left policies through the Senate.
“Schumer will go ‘nuclear option’ on day one if we lose,” Trump said.

Despite the current political challenges, Trump’s enduring popularity among Republicans is still a source of strength for the president. Touting his success in primary endorsements, Trump mildly tweaked Meadows, who the president said had advised backing the eventual loser in the Congressman’s former seat, where newcomer 24-year-old Madison Cawthorn beat out Lynda Bennett.

“I told Mark I’ve gone 80-something and 1 with endorsements, and that’s the one,” Trump said with a smile.

Next Week, Mount Rushmore

Trump plans to head to Mount Rushmore in the coming week to deliver remarks and take in the first fireworks display held at the famed destination in a decade, on July 3rd.

survey released this week by academic Eric Kaufmann, author of Whiteshift, found that 44 percent of liberal respondents and 58 percent of very liberal respondents agreed that Mount Rushmore should be eliminated.

“I do wonder sometimes if Democrats love our country,” Trump said in response to the figures. “That maybe 44 percent of liberals, but I assure you there’s a lot more the other way.”

A Working Man’s Message From Across The Pond

Chris McGlade recites his 2018 poem “The Right To Hate”, from his hometown in the north of England.  A working man’s view of left-wing intolerance.

‘First They Topple The Statues, Then They Start Killing People’

Last night on the Tucker Carlson show, hosted by Brian Kilmeade, David Marcus explained that the escalation from statues to killing people has been a universal trend. “This is not new in history. We saw this in Russia. We saw this in China. We saw this in Venezuela. First, they topple the statues, then they start killing people, and then they take your rights away…”

BLM protesters and rioters have been threatening to topple the Emancipation Memorial in Washington, D.C. depicting Archer Alexander, a freed slave, and President Abraham Lincoln.  

Kilmead asked Marcus what he thought would happen to the statue that night. Marcus confidently stated that he did not think the statues would come down, “I think that the statue is going to be fine because thankfully, both the Trump administration and law-enforcement are now doing their job as they should have been doing for the last several weeks as these statues fell.” 

Video Player

Friday, Trump signed an executive order to protect American monuments, memorials, and statues. The executive order comes after Trump promised on Wednesday to put an end to the almost daily targeting of state or federally owned monuments, including the statue of our nation’s first president in Portland, Oregon where protestors wrapped George Washington’s head in an American flag and lit it on fire after toppling it.

Three years ago, John Oliver, comedian, and host of “Last Week Tonight” on HBO, mercilessly mocked President Trump for predicting that the removal of confederate statues would lead to the eventual removal of statues of America’s revered Founding Fathers.

“I’ll tell you where it stops,” Oliver ridiculed Trump during an episode of his weekly show. “Somewhere! Anytime someone asks, where does it stop, the answer’s always … somewhere. You might let your kid have Twizzlers, but not inject black tar heroin. You don’t just go, ‘Well, after the Twizzlers, where does it stop?'”

David Marcus concluded by stating,  “The people who will tell you that that’s an exaggeration are the very same people who three years ago told us nobody would ever go after Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. They mocked President Trump for even suggesting it, and today, you and I are having a serious conversation about the potential removal of a statue of Abraham Lincoln!” 

President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago

President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago – Letter to Governor and Mayor

Chicago has been under Democrat political control for two generations.  The murder rate amid black communities is horrific.  No-one has done anything to stop the crime and violence and it continues to escalate.

Yesterday President Trump wrote a letter to Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offering assistance from his administration: 


It is likely the offer will be rebuked; and predictably both the governor and mayor will instead ask President Trump to send them more money.

Money will not solve the problem.  Hundreds of people are being killed in/around the majority black communities in Chicago because the city and state officials allow hundreds of people to be killed in the community.

If the crimes and killing in the Chicago area were actually unacceptable to the leaders in the Chicago area, they would stop it.  Yes, it really is that simple.

That is the unfortunate reality.

Minneapolis City Council Hire Private Security for Themselves, $4,500 Per Day, After Voting to Defund Police Department

An interesting outcome and juxtaposition amid the new policing approach advanced by the Minneapolis City Council. After voting to remove police from the community, the same city council now approve hiring private security for themselves at a current rate of $4,500 per day.  The taxpayers, who pay their salaries, are left to fend for themselves, but the city council members won’t be left without. Funny how that happens.

MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) – The City of Minneapolis is spending $4,500 a day for private security for three council members who have received threats following the police killing of George Floyd, FOX 9 has learned.
A city spokesperson said the private security details have cost the city $63,000 over the past three weeks.
The three council members who have the security detail – Andrea Jenkins (Ward 8), and Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4), and Alondra Cano (Ward 9)– have been outspoken proponents of defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.
Councilmember Phillipe Cunningham declined to discuss the security measures. (read more)

All your safety are belong to us…

Truth is Trump’s Greatest Weapon —

WaPo Tries Debunking Claim The Democrats Run Most Dangerous Cities – Fail Miserably…

The Washington Post attempted to debunk President Trump for saying “the most dangerous cities are run by democrats.”   After an extensive effort, and a voluminous article reviewing all manner of methodology for citation, this is what they came up with:

A republican mayor was elected to Jacksonville in the last election; therefore the Washington Post has declared that President Trump’s claim: “the most dangerous cities are run by democrats”, is false. There is a top-crime city now run by a republican.

This level of FAIL is so ridiculous, it presents itself almost as if the Washington Post intentionally trying to beclown themselves.

Armed citizens gather in Eminence, Mo. to support law enforcement, protect courthouse after credible threats


 Article by Michael Deere for "KY3 News":

EMINENCE, Missouri. -- Armed support for law enforcement gathered around the Shannon County Courthouse Saturday after the sheriff says credible threats were made against him, his staff and county property. 

Dozens or armed citizens covered downtown Eminence Saturday.
"The threats were made directly made directly to the courthouse, the jail, myself and my staff," Sheriff Darrin Brawley told KY3.

The sheriff says this all started with a local family's Facebook post, detailing their frustration about a death investigation from 2018. 

The post centered around the death of Robbie Crites - whose death was determined to be an accidental drowning by the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

His mother, Angela King says she made the post a week ago.

She says her intentions were not to cause an uproar. 

"I wanted everybody to see what me and my family lived thorough the last two years. I wanted them to see that Darrin Brawley did everything wrong," Kind exclaimed. 

King says a few moms from Springfield answered her post and proposed a peaceful protest at the courthouse. 

But once the idea gained more controversy online King feared showing up would've been a bad idea. 

"I really would've loved to have been there today. I feel kinda like I failed Robbie today because I didn't go, but in a certain sense it was for my protection," Kind added.

Sheriff Brawley says if protesters would've shown up, they would've been protected. 

"They have the same constitutional rights as you and I have and we would uphold that. If it came down to protecting those folks, yes we would," Brawley explained. 

People came from all over Missouri to show support for law enforcement and to protect property.

Mike Godwin traveled just over 100 miles from Marble Hill, Mo. to join the crowds. 

"I will stay here as long as I'm needed and I feel that I'm needed and I'll come back again if I'm needed," Godwin said. 

"Nobody wants to see anybody get hurt. We would not mind for a protest to be here for the right causes and the right reasons, but a riot is not that," local resident Joseph Hartman told KY3. 

Everything was peaceful all day long. 

King says she is just doing what any mom would do. 

"Just won't give up. I will not give up on Robbie. Somehow someway I will get justice for my son," King stated. 

Deputies along with armed ex-military and law enforcement will stay around the courthouse Saturday night.

DOJ Makes Initial Arrest in Lafayette Square Monument Attacks – Identifies Three Additional Suspects

AG Bill Barr previously highlighted the DOJ effort to coordinate with the National Parks Service to identify perpetrators who were attempting to destroy national monuments on federal property.  Accordingly, the DOJ has been searching for several suspects identified in video coordinating their attacks.  Yesterday the DOJ announced first four suspects to be charged. One is currently under arrest, the other three are on the run:

WASHINGTON – Lee Michael Cantrell, 47, of Virginia; Connor Matthew Judd, 20, of Washington, D.C.; Ryan Lane, 37, of Maryland; and Graham Lloyd, 37, of Maine, were charged by criminal complaint yesterday with destruction of federal property, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Michael R. Sherwin, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Washington Field Office’s Criminal Division James A. Dawson, and Acting Chief of the United States Park Police (USPP) Gregory T. Monahan.
The complaint, unsealed today, alleges that on June 22, 2020, the four men along with other unidentified individuals, damaged and attempted to tear down the statue depicting Andrew Jackson located in Lafayette Square. The complaint further alleges that Cantrell was captured on video attempting to pry the statue off its base with a wooden board and trying to pull the statue down with the aid of a yellow strap.
The complaint alleges that Judd is seen on video trying to pull down the statue, and that Lane is seen on video affixing a rope to one part of the statue and then pulling on another rope tied to the statue.
The complaint also alleges that video of the incident shows Lloyd as he breaks off and destroys the wheels of cannons located at the base of the statue. Lloyd is also captured on video pulling on ropes in an effort to topple the statue, and handing a hammer to an unidentified individual involved in the incident.
Judd was arrested on Friday and appeared in Superior Court of the District of Columbia today. The matter will be transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Monday, June 29, 2020, where Judd will make his initial appearance before United States Magistrate Judge Robin M. Meriweather.
The remaining defendants have not yet been apprehended. (read more)

March of the Credentialed Morons

 Tackling the 'Crisis of Conformity' in Economics Teaching - PEP ...
Article by Clarice Feldman in "The American Thinker":
1. Academic Disaster
For at least the past two decades, our colleges and universities have devolved into leftist training camps where free speech is labeled hateful and induced leftist conformity is the order of the day.

Even professors at the University of Chicago, famed for its free speech code, fear to speak out.  

Mr. Cochrane wrote on June 15, “I spent much of my last few years of teaching afraid that I would say something that could be misunderstood and thus be offensive to someone. Many of my colleagues report the same worries.”
If that level of fear accurately describes the situation at the University of Chicago, where the university administration has deservedly won national attention for coming down clearly, decisively, and publicly on the “open debate” side of the campus speech wars, imagine just how bad things are in the rest of academia.
In a moment when black Americans fear being killed by police, the concern that tenured professors might be inconvenienced might seem trivial. The worry at Chicago, as described by Mr. Cochrane, was less that university administrators would, on their own initiative, rule speech out of bounds.
It was more that a student would lodge a grievance that would in turn generate an investigation that would then accumulate a momentum of its own -- with no due process. It could end with a teacher falsely labeled as a racist, one of the worst things a person can be called in contemporary America.

This leftist indoctrination of our young reminds me of a scene in the movie Indochine where, Camille, the adopted daughter, is arrested and sent to a high security prison and her mother is told, truthfully, that her only chance of surviving is to become a dedicated Communist. 

There are some things being done to try to reverse this, but they will take time: FIRE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to campus free speech, works hard to combat academic leftism. Alumni can refuse fundraising appeals. State legislatures can restrict sharply the funds to public universities. Employers can stop demanding diplomas as credentials, something they’ve been doing since aptitude and IQ tests were scrapped on the dubious notion they were biased. (Substituting a test of equal outcomes for equal opportunity is not only turning the Constitution on its head but is as well a proven means of dumbing down performance and worker morale.)

The President this week directed the federal government to prioritize applicants’ skills and aptitudes over college degrees.

If implemented widely, this should impact the higher education monopoly.

And these institutions are already in trouble. COVID-19 restrictions on in-person education have already caused many students to rethink the cost versus benefit of attending expensive institutions only to get online learning programs. 

California’s misbegotten legislature, on the other hand, seems determined to drive a stake through its state higher education system and businesses, voting this week to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or giving preferential treatment to persons on the basis of sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education and public contracting.” If this is passed into a constitutional amendment in a referendum, until a predictable legal challenge undoes it, the certain effect is to fill the colleges with students unprepared and often incapable of doing higher level academic work. As well, it will reduce substantially the ability to gather evidence of  discrimination in admissions against better-educated white males and Asians in favor of more tractable recipients of professorial Marxism.

2. The BLM/Antifa Riots

Blue state riots continue, further harming the poor, who have been the least able to maneuver around the lengthy social confinement mandated by their governors and mayors. To the extent that people are led by the media misreporting to think this is the justified response of a black underclass, think again.  BLM really is better named White Leftist Matters (WLM), a movement largely by young, middle and upper-class whites to increase their own political power.  

Two American Thinker posts (here and here) show how whites have taken over the Black Lives Matter movement. A startling statistic is that only one in six protesters is black. On Friday, an article from Marin and two videos vividly illustrated the white takeover.
In uber-leftist Mill Valley, California, a local newspaper's photos from a Black Lives Matter march reveal almost no blacks.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that this is the case. Having knocked over the “sifting and winnowing” process upon which higher education once prided itself, to socialized terror against thoughtcrime, these hubristic credentialed morons assume they can do this everywhere. In Minneapolis, apart from wreaking havoc on the poorest, often black, citizens, they’ve now persuaded the city’s council to defund the police. Watching the disasters unfolding in Seattle’s “autonomous district” under the indulgent eye of the city’s mayor might have given them a clue, but apparently not.

It doesn’t seem they are winning black hearts and minds with this, except for those given a new opportunity to loot and engage in aggressive crime under cover of the “protests.” Black residents and business owners have regularly criticized them for the damage done to their lives and property. This week, two more underreported examples of black disengagement with the WLM operations warmed my heart. In Seattle, a black man whose building houses many senior residents, deprived of their caretakers by the lockdown in front of their home, furiously ripped down the barricades and  free feeding stations, exploding with anger at this outrageous deprivation of the rights of those who live and work there.

We’re all sick of this nonsense. And so is he, shouting at the occupying misfits:

The only reason you guys are standing here is because white people stood here before you. This is not a black movement. And you know damned well it’s not a black movement because 6,000 black people walked in the Central District, they walked in the CD. And guess what? They went the f*ck home. But what you motherf*ckers want to do? Y’all want to stay here, guess what, cause the homeless people are entertaining this bullshit. Right? And you guys are trying to jump behind it. And that’s not right.
Get your own f*cking movement ’cause what you guys are doing over here nobody’s going to hear. And nobody gives a f*ck about it because it’s f*cking bullis**t.

The mayor’s social worker troops seem unable to clear the rabble out. But fear not, the city council is hard at work. It just voted to scrap an ordinance that allowed police officers to arrest loiterers suspected of drug dealing or prostitution.  The council’s rationale is that it disproportionately affected blacks. I suppose looking the other way at obvious drug dealing and prostitution on Seattle’s streets, to their way of thinking, will be of benefit to the black community. Once again, they endorse the traditional Democratic policies of making life worse for Seattle’s blacks to the advantage of the criminals who prey upon them.

The statue toppling  by these gangs shows little knowledge of the history of the celebrated figures. One example is the effort to topple and deface the Lincoln Emancipation statue in D.C, a statue showing a black slave now unchained rising at the side of Abraham Lincoln. It was paid for by the newly freed slaves, and  a descendent of the slave depicted in the statue joined other blacks in defending the statue from the historically ignorant iconoclasts.

3. America is not Defined by Racism

As bad as leftwing Democrats are at governing, they are very skilled at manipulating the truth. This summer’s big lie, as it often is in summers before presidential elections, is that the U.S .is a racist country. People like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have been debunking this for years. This week, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a black African woman who immigrated to the U.S., joined them, arguing how false this is, reminding us that “outrage and clear, critical thinking seldom go hand in hand.”

"What the media also do not tell you,” I tweeted on June 9, “is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist.”
America looks different if you grew up, as I did, in Africa and the Middle East. There I had firsthand experience of three things. First, bloody internecine wars between Africans -- with all the combatants dark-skinned, and no white people present. Second, the anarchy that comes when there is no police, no law and order. Third, the severe racism (as well as sexism) of a society such as Saudi Arabia, where de facto slavery still exists. [snip]  This country is only 244 years old, but it may be showing signs of age. Time was, Americans were renowned for their can-do, problem-solving attitude. Europeans, as Alexis de Tocqueville complained, were inclined to leave problems to central authorities in Paris or Berlin. Americans traditionally solved problems locally, sitting together in town halls and voluntary associations. Some of that spirit still exists, even if we now have to meet on Zoom. But the old question -- “How can we figure this out?” -- is threatened with replacement by “Why can’t the government figure this out for us?”
The problem is that there are people among us who don’t want to figure it out and who have an interest in avoiding workable solutions. They have an obvious political incentive not to solve social problems, because social problems are the basis of their power. That is why, whenever a scholar like Roland Fryer brings new data to the table -- showing it’s simply not true that the police disproportionately shoot black people dead—the response is not to read the paper but to try to discredit its author.
I have no objection to the statement “black lives matter.” But the movement that uses that name has a sinister hostility to serious, fact-driven discussion of the problem it purports to care about.  

4. In Siding with Riffraff, the Democrats are Committing Suicide

So argues Conrad Black, and I am in full agreement with him on this. Just as Ali noted there are people who don’t want us to figure out how to deal with social problems, Black notes that the Democrats killed Senate debate on the reform of police oversight:

“they don’t want the problem resolved; they want police brutality and oppression of African-Americans as election issues, while ignoring mob violence and the physical, fiscal and public relations assault democratic and BLM spokespeople have launched against the police. House speaker Nancy Pelosi explicitly had blamed the death of George Floyd on Trump without elaboration. The president has his limitations but this is malignant lunacy.”
The Democrats have descended to depths of mudslinging, demagogy, and indulgence of racial violence and national self-hate never before plumbed in a U.S. presidential election. They are afflicted by a death wish, and in the national interest and for their own sake, that wish must be granted by the voters.

Well, except for this overwrought nonsense, what do they have? Their governance deficits have been made crystal clear in their botched handling of the Wuhan virus (Iowahawk’s description of Governor Cuomo as “the King of Corpse Mountain” says it well), law enforcement oversight, and maintaining law and order in their precincts. So, they’re back to their old playbook, stirring up racial animosity and chaos.