Sunday, June 28, 2020

President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago

President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago – Letter to Governor and Mayor

Chicago has been under Democrat political control for two generations.  The murder rate amid black communities is horrific.  No-one has done anything to stop the crime and violence and it continues to escalate.

Yesterday President Trump wrote a letter to Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offering assistance from his administration: 


It is likely the offer will be rebuked; and predictably both the governor and mayor will instead ask President Trump to send them more money.

Money will not solve the problem.  Hundreds of people are being killed in/around the majority black communities in Chicago because the city and state officials allow hundreds of people to be killed in the community.

If the crimes and killing in the Chicago area were actually unacceptable to the leaders in the Chicago area, they would stop it.  Yes, it really is that simple.

That is the unfortunate reality.