Sunday, June 28, 2020

Minneapolis City Council Hire Private Security for Themselves, $4,500 Per Day, After Voting to Defund Police Department

An interesting outcome and juxtaposition amid the new policing approach advanced by the Minneapolis City Council. After voting to remove police from the community, the same city council now approve hiring private security for themselves at a current rate of $4,500 per day.  The taxpayers, who pay their salaries, are left to fend for themselves, but the city council members won’t be left without. Funny how that happens.

MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) – The City of Minneapolis is spending $4,500 a day for private security for three council members who have received threats following the police killing of George Floyd, FOX 9 has learned.
A city spokesperson said the private security details have cost the city $63,000 over the past three weeks.
The three council members who have the security detail – Andrea Jenkins (Ward 8), and Phillipe Cunningham (Ward 4), and Alondra Cano (Ward 9)– have been outspoken proponents of defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.
Councilmember Phillipe Cunningham declined to discuss the security measures. (read more)

All your safety are belong to us…