Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hell Yes, Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States of America; Read this Amazing Thread

Hell Yes, Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States of America; Read this Amazing Thread
Article by Elizabeth Vaughn in "RedState":

Five days before Barack Obama won the presidency, he told supporters, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Unfortunately, he was telling the truth.

It’s become glaringly obvious that the Department of Justice changed “fundamentally” during the Obama years. It didn’t become so highly politicized by accident. The following thread from The Epoch Times’ Jeff Carlson shows how, by deliberately following the policies formulated by Obama and carried out his attorney general, Eric Holder (and continued by his successor, Loretta Lynch), over an eight year period, the transformation was accomplished.

Due to the strict, highly political hiring practices enacted by Holder and then Lynch, most, if not all, of the department’s employees were Democrats by the time President Trump took office.

Federal law prohibited the administration from basing hiring decisions on political affiliation, but Obama, Holder and Lynch easily found ways to get around that.

Additionally, they used money from settlements received during the financial crisis, funds which had been intended to help homeowners who had suffered financially from falling real estate prices, to make donations to activist groups of their choice.
They had also mastered the art of stonewalling.

If any of you are wondering how the deep state has become so entrenched and iso powerful, read this thread.

1) Under Obama, the DOJ was fundamentally pushed to the left by Attorney General Eric Holder and then by his successor, Loretta Lynch.
2) J. Christian Adams highlighted the highly politicized DOJ hiring practices put in place by Obama and Eric Holder in an extensive series of investigative articles.
3) His conclusion in his final article – located at bottom of the article listing:

4) Eric Holder came up with the process for doling out settlements from the financial crisis to activist groups.
7) Obama’s Justice Department took proceeds that were intended to benefit homeowners harmed during the 2008 financial crisis – nearly $1 billion per Congressional records – and used these settlements to directly fund left-wing political organizations – their political allies.
The DOJ Slush Fund that was run under Obama & Holder is just one in a litany of abuses and over-reach that occurred at the DOJ during Obama's tenure

News of a Department of Justice “Slush Fund” has been making headlines recently.
Unfortunately, this is not new information – the activity goes back to 2012 and can be traced to The Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group (Working Group), created in 2012 by none other than Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder. Let’s just say that I view Mr. Holder as “ethically-challenged”.

Rep Bob Goodlatte & Rep. Tom Marino worked to end the DOJ Slush Fund...But it wasn't until Trump won the presidency that the practice was ended by AG Jeff Sessions on June 5, 2017

10) AG Sessions:

“When the federal government settles a case against a corporate wrongdoer, any settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people—not to bankroll third-party special interest groups or the political friends of whoever is in power.”


The Great Lou Dobbs Outlines a Moment The DOJ Went Wrong – Durham, FISC and Barr Seemingly Concur

Lou Dobbs doesn’t suffer fools easily; he prefers to cut through the filibuster and get to the heart of the matter.  That approach is one reason his show is highly successful.
Within a similar outlook… Where we are now is the direct result of bad decisions where we came from. Going forward on the same corrupt path only takes us further in the wrong direction. This natural truism is the current dilemma for AG Bill Barr.

During his show last night Lou Dobbs takes the audience back to a very specific decision by the DOJ; a fork-in-the-road decision that put the department on path traveling further and further away from justice. The specific moment outlined was the DOJ decision to bury the intelligence leak by SSCI Security Director James Wolfe.


However, amid all the chaff and countermeasures there is good news. When you realize that continuing forward on a path initiated by corrupt decisions only takes you further and further from the truth; you realize there are signs showing the DOJ is indeed reversing course back to the moment when the wrong path was selected.

♦ U.S. Attorney John Durham is reported to be going back to the origination of the Russian Collusion conspiracy. The reversal of a corrupt path taken.

♦ The FISA Court has asked the DOJ to identify and sequester all of the downstream consequences to the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants. A reversal of a corrupt path taken.

♦ And, importantly, there are reports AG Bill Barr has asked a Saint Louis U.S. Attorney to go back through everything surrounding the prosecution of Michael Flynn and re-evaluate the path taken.

I would be remiss if I did not point out the reporting about AG Barr bringing in outside prosecutors to review conduct in prior investigations, happened almost immediately after the FISC deadline for the DOJ to inform the court of their sequestration efforts….

…A subtle (as a brick through a window) connection not identified in media…. Yet.

Perhaps the connection between the FISC required DOJ “sequester” efforts and the DOJ “outside prosecutors” should be just kept between us, ok.
FEBRUARY 14, 2020 WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr has assigned an outside prosecutor to scrutinize the criminal case against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, according to people familiar with the matter.
The review is highly unusual and could trigger more accusations of political interference by top Justice Department officials into the work of career prosecutors.
Mr. Barr has also installed a handful of outside prosecutors to broadly review the handling of other politically sensitive national-security cases in the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, the people said. The team includes at least one prosecutor from the office of the United States attorney in St. Louis, Jeff Jensen, who is handling the Flynn matter, as well as prosecutors from the office of the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen. (more)

Over 2,000 Former DOJ Officials Demand Bill Barr Resign, The Reason Why Is Simple

As I currently type this, over 2,000 former DOJ officials have signed a letter demanding Bill Barr resign. This is apparently in response to the Attorney General stepping in to fix a stunt pulled by four former Mueller prosecutors in which they recommended up to 108 months in prison for Roger Stone.

Of course none of this makes any sense given that if Barr were just doing Trump’s bidding, Andrew McCabe wouldn’t have been let off the hook last week. But no one said any of this has to actually make sense. It’s just partisan, #resistance political porn at this point.

The group behind the letter is Protect Democracy, which is another anti-Trump grift operation that claims to be “bi-partisan” but who’s largest donor if a far left think tank. Some of the advisors to the organization include people like Evan McMullin and Mona Charen, so that gives you idea of their goals.

Let’s be real, though. These people don’t actually care about the rule of law or any supposed threat to it posed by Bill Barr. If they did, they’d have formed this band during the Eric Holder era.

What this is really about is trying to discredit the Durham investigation.

I’m fairly skeptical about the idea that people will actually be prosecuted over Durham’s investigation into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane. Even if he’s got rock solid cases, it’s unlikely a D.C. grand jury will move to indict an anti-Trump figure. But there’s no doubt his report is going to be a big indictment of the misconduct that took place.

What’s the best way to limit the impact of his findings? The simple answer is to try to discredit he and Barr before the report drops. That’s what all this is really about. It’s not about respect for the law, concern about corruption, or any other nonsense. These are the same people who sat idly by through numerous scandals during previous presidential terms. This is simply about being deluded over Donald Trump’s mere existence and seeking to stop Barr from exposing the corruption that took place during the Trump-Russia investigation.

Barr isn’t going to resign though. He’s all in on this issue, and whether these careerists like it or not, the daylight is coming for what their department did.

Nevada Officials Worry Caucus Results May Be Delayed – Stacy Abrams Wants VP Position

Nevada Democrat Club officials are warning voters the results from the caucus may be delayed due to “technology glitches” in the planned use of “custom Google calculator” that will be deployed to calculate the results.

Yeah, nothing suspicious about Big Tech working with Big Club party bosses, at all.  Move along, move along… Trust them Bernie, it’ll all be fair and stuff, swear.
(Via The Hill) The party announcedThursday that it planned to use a custom Google calculator accessed through a “secure Google web form,” which will be uploaded to 2,000 newly purchased iPads to help tabulate votes, and that precinct leaders would also track votes via paper backup sheets.

[…] With early voting set to begin Saturday and run through Tuesday, and the official Caucus Day to follow on Feb. 22, the Nevada Democratic Party has had a short amount of time to turn around a new vote counting system. (read more)

Meanwhile ‘The Reconciler‘ has resurfaced today during an appearance on The View.  In a transparently planned appearance message Ms. Stacey Abrams says: “of course, I would be honored to run for vice president with the nominee.”

“As a woman of color, especially a black woman — this is an unusual position to be in for someone to be considered possibly the next vice president. And it would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no. Or to pretend, ‘Oh no, I don’t want it.’ Of course, I want it. Of course, I want to serve America. Of course, I want to be a patriot and do this work, and so I say yes.”  (Video link)

This is one of the unusual aspects to the 2020 Democrat presidential campaign, the VP nominee is more predictable than the top of the ticket.

You might remember the quiet discussions between Club reps for Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams last year.  That was back when the DNC Club was considering Biden as the best hope to block the AOC-Bernie movement.  Since then Joe has collapsed and is now unlikely to go further than South Carolina. [Biden will lose Nevada and SC].

If the Club is successful in blocking Bernie; which at this point is increasingly unlikely; and if the Club can find a way to get a non-Bernie candidate into lead position; then Abrams is absolutely guaranteed to be the VP candidate regardless of who the non-Bernie top of the ticket might be.

Abrams is the VP nominee for a NOT BERNIE candidate.  However, if Bernie wins the nomination then the likelihood of Abrams as a VP nominee slightly drops.

If Bloomberg (or other) is the nominee Abrams is 100% guaranteed to be the VP.  The plan would be to use Abrams to heal the fracture created by the Club blocking Bernie Sanders from the nomination.

However, if Bernie winds the nomination Abrams as VP drops to around 80% likelihood.  In the Club’s logic – in the Sanders atop the ticket scenario – Abrams is used to offset Bernie’s radical nature and generate a ‘movement‘ vote for the identity crowd.

We keep watching…

Radar captures huge bird migration over Florida

A huge swarm of birds migrating is nothing unusual - flocks can fly thousands of miles undetected.
But in a rare event on Monday, US National Weather Service radar captured birds migrating from South America over Florida.
Atmospheric conditions caused the systems to detect the birds, which took hours to fly over the Key West station.
The group measured at least 90 miles (145km) in radius, according to meteorologists.
In 2017 a swarm of migrating Printed Lady butterflies was detected by radar over Colorado, but the phenomenon is rare.

Millions of birds make arduous journeys of thousands of miles every year to migrate with the seasons to breed and seek food supplies.
In the Americas, birds fly north from South America and the Caribbean to the US, starting in the early months of the year, before returning.
An animation produced by Cornwell University shows 118 migratory species in the Americas, some beginning their journeys north in February, with the largest movement in March and April.
One of the birds that flies over Florida after spending the winter in the Caribbean and Central America is the tiny northern parula, with a wingspan of just 6-7 inches (16-18cm).

The pectoral sandpiper also flies over Florida, making a round trip of nearly 19,000 miles. It nests in Alaska and northern Canada, before wintering in southern South America.
The exact reasons how and why birds choose to migrate at a certain time are not fully understood.
"Some birds might be hanging out on the Yucatan or in Cuba waiting for tailwinds to pick them up," Gina Kent, a conservation scientist with the Avian Research and Conservation institute, told the Tampa Bay newspaper.
"On a good wind, more birds that might not otherwise be ready could jump on it."
The group that passed over Key West started in Cuba the day before, passed over the Keys and landed in Florida just before sunrise on Monday, said Weather Service meteorologist Kate Lenninger.
Specific weather conditions in Florida caused the radar to capture the birds' presence.
"There was kind of a stable layer of air above us that was deflecting the radar beam closer to the surface," Lenninger added. "So, we were able to pick up more low level objects."
 Radar in Florida detected birds (in green and yellow) flying 3,000 feet in the air 

Democrat Senator Held Secret Meeting In Munich With Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif

Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week, according to a source briefed by the French delegation to the conference. Murphy’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment by press time.

Such a meeting would mean Murphy had done the type of secret coordination with foreign leaders to potentially undermine the U.S. government that he accused Trump officials of doing as they prepared for Trump’s administration. In February 2017, Murphy demanded investigations of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn because he had a phone call with his counterpart-to-be in Russia.

“Any effort to undermine our nation’s foreign policy – even during a transition period – may be illegal and must be taken seriously,” Murphy said in 2017 after anonymous leaks of Flynn’s phone call with Russian ambassador Sergey Kisylak were published. He also strongly criticized the open letter some Republican senators sent Iranian leaders during the Obama administration’s campaign for a nuclear agreement.

However, Murphy has previously defended rogue meetings if they’re done by Democrats such as former Secretary of State John Kerry.

“Unless it was authorized by the president or secretary of state, conducting independent foreign policy sends mixed signals to our adversaries,” said Christian Whiton, former State Department senior advisor in the Trump and George W. Bush administrations. “It seems very unpalatable. If we want to talk to Iranians, they know how to reach us and they don’t need to go through an intermediary.”

A State Department official who spoke on background said that the State Department was not aware of any side meetings with Iranian officials that Murphy was engaged in.

The Munich Security Conference, an annual forum on international security policy, welcomes hundreds of world leaders each February. This year’s conference featured robust debate on the United States’ maximum pressure policy against Iran, China’s handling of the coronavirus and technology concerns, and the European alliance with the United States. Other Democrat senators at the conference included Sens. Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Chris Van Hollen of Maryland. Former Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts also attended.

Both Murphy and Zarif spoke publicly during a two-hour session on Middle East policy, with Murphy and Zarif both fiercely criticizing U.S. policy.

President Donald Trump has reoriented American policy in the Middle East away from President Barack Obama’s friendly posture toward Iran. He departed from Obama’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a nuclear arrangement with the Republic of Iran that was not ratified by the United States Senate.

Trump has exerted instead a “maximum pressure” campaign against the regime, with 12 demands on Iran before a new deal is reached. Those demands include a full account of its nuclear program, ending its proliferation of ballistic missiles, releasing all U.S. citizens held on spurious charges, ending support to terrorist groups, withdrawal of forces in Syria, and cessation of its threatening behavior against its neighbors.

The “maximum pressure” campaign of sanctions has devastated the Iranian economy, which is in recession and faces rising inflation. It has made it difficult for Iran to pay foreign fighters engaged in supported terror operations. Iranians have taken to the streets in protest.

Iran recently killed an American contractor in Iraq and the United States killed Iranian general Qassim Suleimani, a top Iranian leader who was responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of U.S. soldiers. Iran’s retaliatory strike for that killing resulted in no U.S. deaths, but the country did shoot down a Ukrainian passenger plane then lied about it for days.

At the conference, Zarif said official retaliation for the killing of Suleimani had ended, although he suggested independent attacks from others in the country might follow.

Murphy is a frequent speaker at the National Iranian American Council, a lobbying group with alleged links to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Republican Sens. Mike Braun of Indiana, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, and Ted Cruz of Texas recently asked the Department of Justice for potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

They wrote that the influential lobbying group “purports to improve understanding between American and Iranian people but in reality seems to spread propaganda and lobby on behalf of the Iranian government.” Evidence indicates that evidence Zarif himself was involved in founding the group.

Billionaire Democrat Michael Bloomberg Under Fire for Elitist Ridicule of Farmers

Presidential candidate and billionaire Michael Bloomberg is coming under scrutiny for his elitist comments about farmers not being smart enough to add value in the era of technology.   In some ways it’s predictably sad, in other ways his condescension simply reflects the outlook of modern Democrats.

While it is angering to watch this pontificating condescension; at another level it is entirely predictable. Both the old school Fabian socialist outlook and the modern Democrat ideology is based on superiority.

George Bernard Shaw, a founder of modern socialist thought, famously said at some point each citizen should be required to stand before a tribunal and explain their value. If the community does not find value in that person, then society would be better off eliminating them. You can extend that same perspective into almost every policy advocated by the current political left.  It’s a short walk from Bloombergs’ speech to the cattle-cars.

When CTH was founded we used the top picture above to describe the Democrat Utopia; that picture represented where the outlook of Teh One true Lightbringer would eventually lead the party. Nothing much has changed except the clarity of their objectives. 

Political Trials Should Be Tried Outside of the Beltway

The justice system situated in our nation’s capital is toxic, destructive, and demonstrably unfair. Barr should move any trial out of Washington—West Virginia or North Carolina, perhaps?—and at least give the accused a fighting chance.

Attorney General William Barr is enlisting U.S. attorneys outside the Beltway either to investigate or review several high-level cases related to President Trump, the Washington Post reported over the weekend. Barr has asked federal prosecutors from “far-flung offices,” as the Post described it, located in remote places such as Connecticut and Chicago, to handle these sensitive matters.

Barr’s legal shuffling of the deck includes the egregious prosecution of Lt. General Michael Flynn; the investigation into Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI’s counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign; and new material collected by Rudy Giuliani detailing alleged corruption in Ukraine possibly tied to U.S. politicians.

Given the accusations from Trump foes that Barr is doing Trump’s bidding from his corner office at the Justice Department, this otherwise rational move prompted convulsions of panic in the nation’s capital. Some distraught observers grimly warn that transferring politically charged cases out of the most politically obsessed town in the world is just what Joseph Stalin would do.

David Laufman, a former Justice Department official and Obama donor involved in the agency’s 2016 exoneration of Hillary Clinton, claimed he was “baffled” as to why any federal lawyer would accept such an assignment. “‘Why would they be associating themselves with investigations that are evocative of the manner in which repressive regimes throughout history have behaved?’” Laufman told Post reporters.

But despite absurd comparisons from Laufman and his Trump-loathing colleagues, it’s clear that any case associated with the president, his allies, or his foes must be handled outside of Washington. After Barr’s office declined to prosecute Andrew McCabe—the former deputy director of the FBI and key player in the agency’s corrupt pursuit of Donald Trump—for lying to federal agents, some speculated that the trial’s locale would’ve given McCabe a significant advantage.

“When the District of Columbia is the venue for any prosecution with political overtones, Justice Department charging decisions must factor in the jury pool, which is solidly anti-Trump,” observed former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

Accurate. Hillary Clinton won 90 percent of the D.C. vote in 2016 compared to Donald Trump’s four percent. In the metropolitan area as a whole, which includes adjacent counties in Virginia and Maryland, Clinton won 68 percent. The federal government is the area’s largest employer; nearly everyone else is somehow tied to government work as a lawyer, lobbyist, consultant, or journalist. By a 20-to-1 margin, Justice Department employees contributedheavily to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Any trial automatically is rigged either in favor or against a political defendant based on the team for which the accused plays—and if it’s Team Trump, the outcome is predetermined even before the opening statements. After all, how could a swamp-dweller objectively judge a case tied to a president promising to drain the swamp?

The jury selection for the 2019 trial of Greg Craig illustrated the near-impossibility of seating an impartial panel in Washington.

Caught up in the Robert Mueller investigation, Craig, a former counsel for two Democratic presidents and a longtime power broker, was charged with making false statements to the special counsel about his work in Ukraine. The prospective jury pool ensnared a Whos-Who of D.C. glitterati including Clinton White House officials, reporters, and government contractors.

Josh Gerstein, a reporter covering the trial for Politicowrote that the process “turned up a variety of political allegiances, personal connections and employment that could be problematic.” But jurors with obvious conflicts, nonetheless, were added to the jury.

After Craig was acquitted last September, one juror expressed outrage that Mueller wasted time on Craig’s case “while the republic itself is under assault.” That is #TheResistance code for Orange Man Bad.

Michael Flynn’s plea arrangement has been tainted from the start. A few days after Trump’s former national security advisor pleaded guilty to making a false statement, Rudolph Contreras, the federal judge who signed off on the deal, suddenly recused himself. Texts later revealed that Contreras is friends with Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who ambushed Flynn shortly after Trump was sworn in. Contreras also sits on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which authorized the unlawful warrants to spy on Carter Page. (The judge who replaced Contreras later claimed that Flynn, a three-star general, “sold out” his country and wondered aloud why he hadn’t been charged with treason. Judge Emmet Sullivan apologized for the insult.)

Barr has assigned a prosecutor from the U.S. Attorney’s office in St. Louis to review the department’s handling of the Flynn matter. Flynn last month moved to withdraw his guilty plea based on “the government’s bad faith, vindictiveness, and breach of the plea agreement,” according to a lengthy filing by his new lawyer, Sidney Powell.

Four lawyers from the U.S. attorney’s office in D.C. quit the case against Roger Stone last week after Barr overrode their excessive sentencing recommendation, which would have imprisoned Stone, a first-time offender found guilty of seven nonviolent crimes, under a sentence equivalent to one given for armed robbery.

But that opened a can of worms not just for Barr but for the government’s case. A telephone hearing with both parties is scheduled for Tuesday morning with Judge Amy Berman Jackson. (Stone’s lawyer filed a motion last week to demand a new trial; Jackson rejected a similar plea in 2019.)

The fiasco over Stone’s sentence prompted revelations about the partisan bias of the jury’s foreman. Tomeka Hart’s social media posts displayed contempt for the president, his supporters, and Republicans; she also may have misled Jackson during the jury selection process about her objectivity, according to a document published by Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller. Hart ranfor Congress as a Democrat in 2012.

Meanwhile, as Barr reroutes legal hot potatoes out of the Beltway, his detractors are getting desperate.

A nonprofit backed by a left-wing tech billionaire and sworn enemy of Donald Trump organized another publicity stunt aimed at taking down the embattled attorney general. Protect Democracy, an activist group funded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, gathered signatures from more than 1,000 Justice Department “alumni” to accuse Barr of posing a threat to democracy. The letter warned that Barr’s “behavior is a grave threat to the fair administration of justice. In this nation, we are all equal before the law.”

But, of course, that is totally and provably false. Andrew McCabe and Mike Flynn were not treated equally before the law. Same for Hillary Clinton. Ditto for James Comey. (The Justice Department declined to prosecute Comey for stealing and sharing his own classified memos from the FBI.)

Justice still awaits government officials who illegally leaked classified information to the media to defame Michael Flynn and Carter Page three years ago. The signers of unlawful FISA applications, including Comey and McCabe, have thus far escaped the “fair administration” of the law while their victim, Page, must live with the consequences of their malfeasance.

No, the only people who have paid a price are associates of Donald Trump. The justice system situated in our nation’s capital is toxic, destructive, and demonstrably unfair.

Barr should move any trial out of Washington—West Virginia or North Carolina, perhaps?—and at least give the accused a fighting chance. Contrary to what Barr’s detractors insist, that’s the only way to legitimately execute impartial justice and restore the rule of law.

DOJ Furor Latest Attempt To Help Democrats Hide Spygate, Undermine Elections

When the cockroaches are all scurrying across the floor, you can be sure that somebody shone a light on their nest.

Another spin operation appears to be afoot to thwart Attorney General William Barr’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax and others perpetrated by high-ranking federal bureaucrats. The eye of the hurricane this weekend has focused on the Department of Justice, with news Friday that an assistant U.S. attorney declined to press charges against former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for documented lying to federal investigators under oath.
If the libs like you- and especially if you hate Trump- the law does not apply. 
Was true for Hillary, and now we see is true for McCabe. 
This makes a mockery of our legal system, and divides the country in irreparable ways pic.twitter.com/D7UHoEWWi6
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) February 14, 2020
President Trump reacted Saturday.
IG report on Andrew McCabe: Misled Investigators over roll in news media disclosure…Lacked Candor (Lied) on four separate occasions…Authotized Media Leaks to advance personal interests…IG RECOMMENDED MCCABE’S FIRING. @FoxNews @IngrahamAngle
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2020
Becket Adams explains that:
In 2016, McCabe, who is now a paid CNN contributor, leaked sensitive details of the bureau’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation to the press. He then misled members of the FBI’s Inspection Division when they interviewed him about the leaks, according to a February 2018 Justice Department inspector general report. McCabe provided investigators with four misleading statements, three of which were while he was under oath.
Giving false statements to federal investigators is a crime. In fact, it is the same crime for which the Justice Department went after President Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

On Friday, news broke that Barr “has appointed the top federal prosecutor in St. Louis to review the criminal case against Michael Flynn – former national security adviser to President Donald Trump,” according to Reuters. This all occured in the same week an assistant U.S. attorney recommended up to nine years in prison for former Trump campaign associate Roger Stone on the grounds that he lied about gossiping about what WikiLeaks knew about Hillary Clinton’s emails.

So it appears McCabe is allowed to lie to federal investigators about corruption affecting the U.S. government, cover it up with more lies, and get off scot-free even though what he did is a crime, while Stone faces years in prison for lying about gossip that affected nothing of public importance. Flynn appears to have been entrapped by FBI agents into possibly contradicting himself while unaware that was the situation, and now faces possible prison time, to say nothing of years of legal harassment plus potential threats by prosecutors against his son. Andrew McCarthy points out the same double standard has applied to the political prosecution of former Trump campaign associate George Papadopoulos, who “was convicted of making a trivial false statement about the date of a meeting.”

CNN’s Erin Burnett made a big deal Friday out of a federal judge saying last September that politicized decisions about whom federal lawyers prosecute are the stuff of a “banana republic.” She attempted to apply that description to the Trump Justice Department’s revisions to its prison-time request for Stone.

Yet it far better applies to unelected career bureaucrats’ use of their power to prosecute their political enemies, which comprises the heart of the “resistance” to Republican rule that will endure so long as bureaucracy has enough power to challenged elected branches of government. This bureacrac weaponization was also a hallmark of the Obama presidency, with — ironies of ironies — perhaps the biggest evidences again coming from the Department of Justice under attorneys general Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

Remember them? The people who held tarmac meetings with Bill Clinton about hiding Hillary’s email scandal, oversaw Internal Revenue Service persecution of conservative grassroots clubs, and refused to enforce immigration laws at the behest of the president?

Now the chest-thumpers in the media are coming to obscure this weaponization of bureaucracy by attacking Trump’s outrage over the outrageous and corrupt double standards of an executive branch federal agency he is supposed to control through appointing its leaders. On Sunday, “More than 1,000 former U.S. Justice Department officials on Sunday called for Attorney General William Barr to resign” for directing the department he ostensibly controls to reduce its requested prison sentence for Stone.

On Friday, coinciding directly with the announcement of McCabe’s effective federal pardon, Sally Yates, of all people, was published in the Washington Post accusing Trump of treating Justice as “his personal grudge squad.” Yes, the deputy attorney general who helped the Obama administration set up Flynn as an early fall guy in the Spygate scandal is now taking to the pages of the Washington Post to wax poetic about DOJ’s duty to provide “impartial justice” and perform as a “neutral zone” that provides “justice without fear or favor.”

“While it is appropriate to communicate about administration policies and priorities, discussion with the White House about specific criminal cases has traditionally been off-limits,” Yates writes. Is that so? Then why was Yates, according to Obama official Susan Rice, at a meeting with President Obama about the administration’s “investigation” into the political opponents soon replacing them in the White House? Why did she “run to the White House and get it on the record that she believed Flynn to be in imminent danger of becoming a compromised national security liability, despite being fully aware that such compromise was impossible”?

Only if Yates is using cynical lies to cover her behind from what everybody will learn she and other Obama administration officials did with their power if Barr is not stopped, soon.

When the cockroaches are all scurrying across the floor, you can be sure that somebody shone a light on their nest. Earlier this week, in fact, House intelligence committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs that the prosecutors who resigned over the altered prison recommendation for Stone are “not going to be the only example. We think there’s other examples of things that they did during the Mueller investigation that I think you and your listeners and the American people will be very interested to learn in the coming weeks, as we start to unpeel the onion of what the Mueller team was really doing.” More:
NUNES:  Because I would say this, when Mueller was appointed, you have — we have to ask ourselves, he walks in the door the first day and said, OK, show me all the evidence you’ve got on the Russians.
They’re like, Bob, sorry, we don’t have any Russians here. We don’t have any evidence.
DOBBS:  Yes.
NUNES:  So what the h-ll did they do for two years? They set up an obstruction of justice trap. And they sit —
DOBBS:  And tried —
NUNES:  — they went after a whole bunch of people that now got sentenced. Some already served their time. And I think all of this has to come into question now at this point.

Then on Friday, former special counsel Robert Mueller’s top “pit bull,” Andrew Weissmann, whom some speculate was the actual leader of Democrats’ unlimited Trump probe, told MSNBC host Chuck Todd that Barr’s agency has opened another investigation into McCabe plus fellow FBI corrupt-o-crats James Comey and Peter Strzok.

The real investigators are closing in on the crooked cops. No wonder they’re freaking out and using their media friends to start helping them pretend all of a sudden that they care about “democracy” while using their power to subvert the presidential administration Americans elected in 2016. What Barr is doing is what “oversight” looks like: When unelected bureaucrats are called to publicly account for what they have done with the public purse, time, and trust.

Once the whole truth has finally come out, Congress needs to be thinking about how they are going to make sure this never happens again. They will not do that by making the Department of Justice even less accountable to elected officials, as Democrats are demanding. They will do it by slashing and burning the bureaucracy and its powers. Government by and for the people will perish from the earth if unelected officials are capable of weaponizing government against the people’s elected representatives. That’s what a banana republic really is. And we don’t want one here.