Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Billionaire Democrat Michael Bloomberg Under Fire for Elitist Ridicule of Farmers

Presidential candidate and billionaire Michael Bloomberg is coming under scrutiny for his elitist comments about farmers not being smart enough to add value in the era of technology.   In some ways it’s predictably sad, in other ways his condescension simply reflects the outlook of modern Democrats.

While it is angering to watch this pontificating condescension; at another level it is entirely predictable. Both the old school Fabian socialist outlook and the modern Democrat ideology is based on superiority.

George Bernard Shaw, a founder of modern socialist thought, famously said at some point each citizen should be required to stand before a tribunal and explain their value. If the community does not find value in that person, then society would be better off eliminating them. You can extend that same perspective into almost every policy advocated by the current political left.  It’s a short walk from Bloombergs’ speech to the cattle-cars.

When CTH was founded we used the top picture above to describe the Democrat Utopia; that picture represented where the outlook of Teh One true Lightbringer would eventually lead the party. Nothing much has changed except the clarity of their objectives.