Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hell Yes, Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States of America; Read this Amazing Thread

Hell Yes, Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States of America; Read this Amazing Thread
Article by Elizabeth Vaughn in "RedState":

Five days before Barack Obama won the presidency, he told supporters, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Unfortunately, he was telling the truth.

It’s become glaringly obvious that the Department of Justice changed “fundamentally” during the Obama years. It didn’t become so highly politicized by accident. The following thread from The Epoch Times’ Jeff Carlson shows how, by deliberately following the policies formulated by Obama and carried out his attorney general, Eric Holder (and continued by his successor, Loretta Lynch), over an eight year period, the transformation was accomplished.

Due to the strict, highly political hiring practices enacted by Holder and then Lynch, most, if not all, of the department’s employees were Democrats by the time President Trump took office.

Federal law prohibited the administration from basing hiring decisions on political affiliation, but Obama, Holder and Lynch easily found ways to get around that.

Additionally, they used money from settlements received during the financial crisis, funds which had been intended to help homeowners who had suffered financially from falling real estate prices, to make donations to activist groups of their choice.
They had also mastered the art of stonewalling.

If any of you are wondering how the deep state has become so entrenched and iso powerful, read this thread.

1) Under Obama, the DOJ was fundamentally pushed to the left by Attorney General Eric Holder and then by his successor, Loretta Lynch.
2) J. Christian Adams highlighted the highly politicized DOJ hiring practices put in place by Obama and Eric Holder in an extensive series of investigative articles.
3) His conclusion in his final article – located at bottom of the article listing:

4) Eric Holder came up with the process for doling out settlements from the financial crisis to activist groups.
7) Obama’s Justice Department took proceeds that were intended to benefit homeowners harmed during the 2008 financial crisis – nearly $1 billion per Congressional records – and used these settlements to directly fund left-wing political organizations – their political allies.
The DOJ Slush Fund that was run under Obama & Holder is just one in a litany of abuses and over-reach that occurred at the DOJ during Obama's tenure

News of a Department of Justice “Slush Fund” has been making headlines recently.
Unfortunately, this is not new information – the activity goes back to 2012 and can be traced to The Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group (Working Group), created in 2012 by none other than Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder. Let’s just say that I view Mr. Holder as “ethically-challenged”.

Rep Bob Goodlatte & Rep. Tom Marino worked to end the DOJ Slush Fund...But it wasn't until Trump won the presidency that the practice was ended by AG Jeff Sessions on June 5, 2017

10) AG Sessions:

“When the federal government settles a case against a corporate wrongdoer, any settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people—not to bankroll third-party special interest groups or the political friends of whoever is in power.”
