Thursday, December 17, 2020

Vote fraud: Trump needs to weigh the nuclear option


Article by Lt. Colonel James Zumwalt in World Net Daily

Vote fraud: Trump needs to weigh the nuclear option

 Lt. Col. James Zumwalt cites Insurrection Act and giving a talkative insider immunity

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced Friday it would not hear a case brought by Texas claiming four other states that unconstitutionally changed their voting laws gave Joe Biden a win in the 2020 presidential election, adversely impacting on pro-Trump states, like Texas, that did so comply. That decision and the Dec. 14 confirmation by the Electoral College of a Biden victory now extremely limit President Donald Trump's remaining options.

For Trump supporters, the news was as disheartening as that received in 1836 about outnumbered Texas defenders at the Alamo being massacred by the Mexican army. But from that defeat came inspiration. Forty-six days later, Gen. Sam Houston, with the battle cry, "Remember the Alamo," inspired his troops to win the Battle of San Jacinto – a decisive first step in liberating Texas from Mexico.

While the Alamo was a setback for Texas, its impact was a motivator. For Trump supporters, the SCOTUS decision must be similarly embraced. It is now time to reach into the quiver of remaining limited options. Before doing so, let us examine how Democrats continue burying the fraud issue.

Sen. Chuck Schumer did a great disservice last week in promoting a false narrative. He derided Trump Senate supporters, saying, "There are actually sitting senators … who would prefer to undermine our democracy by indulging President Trump's wild conspiracy theories about a stolen election. … This has gone beyond ridiculous. … No court in this country has found any of President Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud credible. No serious state election official – Democrat and Republican – has found them credible. …"

What Schumer ignores is that most cases, even Friday's SCOTUS decision, were dismissed not for failing to find fraud but on procedural grounds. He seeks to bury the fraud issue without addressing it. Thus, it is Schumer who undermines our democracy by ignoring the public's dwindling faith in our voting process.

A large number of voters, both Republican (77%) and Democrat (30%), believe fraud occurred. Evidence includes ballots emptied from suitcases hidden under a table at a voting station and counted after the departure of monitors who were told counting had stopped for the night; a truck driver transporting thousands of Biden ballots from New York to Pennsylvania; the same Biden ballots repeatedly being run through the tabulation machine; voting machine post-election testing revealing running equal numbers of Trump and Biden ballots generating a 3% Biden advantage; etc.

Schumer hypocritically claims the issue has "gone beyond ridiculous" after Democrats promoted the Trump/Russia collusion hoax for years. They pushed that investigation until it fizzled but now lack similar resolve for investigating voter fraud. Schumer cries "Where's the beef," but one is absolutely politically blind not to see it.

Perhaps a nuclear option is mandated.

With only weeks left before the inauguration, irrefutable evidence of fraud becomes imperative. Despite massive evidence to date, a critical piece is missing, allowing dots to be connected. Dispositive proof in the form of testimony by someone involved in exchange for immunity is needed.

Obviously, those involved believed they fooled the system to steal the election. They anticipated a Biden victory being accepted much like Trump's 2016 victory was. While voter fraud was not an issue there, allegations of Russian influence failed to prevent him from taking office.

Careful analysis of the 2020 election reveals numerous voting irregularities, bringing the whole system under scrutiny. Before this year's election, who dreamed our voting process was so susceptible to manipulation? Who dreamed the voting machine manufacturer would employ a staunch anti-Trumper who boasted he had fixed it so Trump could not win? Who dreamed a 2005 report on the failings of our voting system identified as a result of the contentious 2000 presidential election could be used as a playbook for fraudsters?

Post-election fraud claims triggered a memory for a resident of an old apartment building in New York City's Queens. Months before the election, while leaving the building, he observed stacks of voting ballots wrapped in clear plastic outside a mailbox – way more than there were residents in his building. Later that day, the ballots disappeared without ever being delivered. Were these ballots part of an intricate fraud scheme? The testimony of truck driver Jesse Morgan claiming he transported thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania raised the question in the observer's mind, "Does someone need to blow the whistle on election fraud?"

That someone needs to be an insider, motivated to talk.

Republican congressmen have called for a congressional investigation into the 2020 presidential election. It needs to happen, especially due to a recent forensics report finding, after examining Dominion voting machines and software in a Michigan county, they were "intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results." The machines had a totally unacceptable error rate of 68.05%, far above the allowable FEC error rate of 0.0008%. (Interestingly, unlike the four defendant states mentioned in the above lawsuit, Texas had rejected using Dominion's voting machines for failing to meet its "election standards for efficiency, accuracy, and safety from 'fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation.'")

A video taken election night in Atlanta, Georgia's, State Farm Arena polling station caught a team of three possible Democratic operatives in action. After Republican monitors – told counting had stopped – were sent home, the operatives pulled out suitcases containing thousands of Biden ballots. The three have now been identified.

As Trump declared, our election system is under a "coordinated assault and siege." It is a diabolical and stealthy effort to undermine democracy. It is an extreme threat demanding an extreme solution – and the Insurrection Act has been proposed as providing the vehicle for doing so. The military's seizure of all election fraud evidence in contested states is a nuclear option needed to determine what occurred. Perhaps offering immunity to the fraud "foot soldiers" above would be a good start.

The Lone Star State of Texas, in filing its now failed lawsuit with the Supreme Court, proved to be a lone star hero, attempting to seek redress for a national election discredited by fraud. While procedural barriers remain a legal hurdle for other cases to overcome, hopefully one of the "soldiers of fraud" will play the role Texas was denied.

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