Thursday, December 17, 2020

Experts: Investigate election fraud or 'we will no longer have a viable republic'


Article by Bob Unruh in World Net Daily

Experts: Investigate election fraud or 'we will no longer have a viable republic'

'Young people today seem to have no idea of what the media used to be'

Two experts in international issues contend election fraud in the United States must be fully investigated, or "we will no longer have a viable republic."

Leni Friedman Valenta and Jiri Valenta of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies wrote in an article published by the Gatestone Institute that for much of the nation, "the attempted coups have now been sanctified and made to seem legitimate by the election -- that many feel was 'stolen' -- of former Vice-President Biden."

"One can surely understand how Republicans feel now that the top-ranking conspirators involved the attempted coups have captured the government through their figurehead, former Vice-President Biden," they wrote.

" Clearly, voter fraud must be investigated. ... If elections continue the same way -- by legitimizing practices that sidestep constitutional and states' laws -- as they threaten to do in two run-off elections in Georgia on January 5, we will no longer have a viable republic. The two upcoming elections in Georgia to determine control of the Senate may end up being the last firewall of a workable, multi-party nation."

They said it's clear that Biden was elected only because he was "supported by almost universally biased mainstream newspapers and television stations that distorted or snuffed stories at will, as well as by Wall Street corporations and Big Tech companies aching to do business with a lucrative, if hegemonic, China."

Media should be the "watchdog" over government, they said, but today "it is the watchdog that needs watching."

"Young people today seem to have no idea of what the media used to be when America was more united. All the newspapers and media outlets recognized and covered the same big stories. The ideal to which journalistic professionalism aspired was objective reporting -- at least an attempt toward it -- and the media at least tried to keep 'news' balanced, and separate from opinions and op-eds," they wrote.

"Today, journalism has changed so that the 'news' is often conflated with unsupported and biased opinion. Consider Newsweek's story on Senator Ron Johnson's (R-Wis.) poll-supported claim that 'Donald Trump would have won the election if the media had given more coverage to unsubstantiated allegations concerning President-elect Joe Biden's son, Hunter.' The word 'unsubstantiated' is the reporter's opinion -- not a certified fact. As we are seeing now, and as Senator Johnson was doubtless well aware, the allegations were smothered in substantiation. All a reporter had to do was look," they said.

Then there's the reporting that President Trump is making "baseless" claims of vote fraud, despite "eyewitness affidavits, vote count anomalies, abrogations of both the Constitution and states' election laws, and the use of Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software that are reported to have the capacity to flip votes."

Corroborated reports by the New York Post of Biden family influence-peddling in China were censored by social media and the establishment media, they noted.

And YouTube is censoring videos claiming mass fraud changed election results.

But the platform still allows videos claiming Trump colluded with Russia.

Dean Baquet of the New York Times is cited as an example, as he said he "built our newsroom" around the Russia hoax but decided the confirmed facts about the "Biden family's influence peddling was apparently 'not fit to print.'"

"Especially before an election the newspaper was manipulating," they wrote.

 d the attacks on Trump, "bogus charges of collusion with Russia, a kangaroo impeachment, and now an election that appears overwhelmingly stolen," appear to be a succession of attempted coups.

They cited six companies -- News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS and Comcast – that together own 90% of the TV stations, radio stations, movies, magazines and newspapers that 277 million Americans rely on.

"One hopeful sign is that in the US, we do not have complete censorship -- at least yet. In freedom of the press lies its reverent responsibility for the freedom and welfare of the people," they wrote. "As more and more news of the election fraud has comes to the attention of Americans, rallies have sprung up in support of honest elections. So far, still to be answered, is the question: If election officials can ignore legalities with impunity, how, going forward, can there be trustworthy elections?" 

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