Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Biden Translator – get yours today

Buy the handheld and get the Twitter plug-in app absolutely free!

Do you find yourself unable to make sense of 99% of what Joe Biden says? Well, you’re not alone, my friends. That’s why the geniuses at Dianny Labs have developed The Biden Translator.

The Biden Translator can quickly and easily provide English translations to Joe Biden’s words.

It’s easy to use and 94% accurate!

Simply type in Joe Biden’s words into the Biden Translator handheld device and PRESTO!

The Biden Translator-01

The Biden Translator also has a voice function that permits you to record Joe Biden’s words into the device and it will automatically translate it.

The Biden Translator-02

Please understand that the handheld Biden Translator, though helpful, is still only 94% accurate.

While our engineers have excelled at creating an algorithm that cuts through the typical Biden BS, we are still working on developing the “weight for cognitive decline” function of the algorithm.

As a result, some of Biden’s words are still not generating the corresponding translation at this time.

As you can see:

The Biden Translator-03

But, the crack team of engineers here at Dianny Labs is working day and night on this “Dementia-Weighted Algorithm,” and as soon as it is available, it will be uploaded onto your device during a standard update.

The Biden Translator is available through Dianny Labs for the low, low price of $29.95 plus shipping and handling.

But wait! There’s more!

Dianny Labs also provides the Biden Translator App for use on Twitter absolutely free with purchase of our handheld device!

With the aid of the Biden Translator App, you can automatically translate Joe Biden’s tweets into English right there on Twitter.

The Biden Translator App for Twitter

Should the lawsuits prove effective and Biden’s election is overturned, the handheld Biden Translator comes with a complete money-back guarantee.

Though our engineers are currently developing software that will enable the Biden Translator to also be used to translate the gibberish of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. So you might want to hang onto it regardless of who gets sworn in on January 20th, as it might still come in handy.