Thursday, November 26, 2020

Alyssa’s Disingenuous Olive Branch

No sale, Alyssa, signed the people you called Klansmen.

Alyssa Milano, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape and claimed the MAGA hat is the new white hood, took to Twitter yesterday ostensibly to extend an olive branch to the Trump supporters she spent the last four years attacking.

And color me skeptical.

“Sure, I’ve spent the last four years calling you Trump supporters racists, Nazis and Klansmen. But now I’m ready to move on.”

Hahahaha! Get bent, bitch. Take your olive branch and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Now that your BFF Biden is poised to take office, you’re ready to move #ForwardTogether?

Well, excuse me for not thinking your olive branch is on the up-and-up.

When you tear the olive tree out by the roots then set it ablaze in your effort to “Resist” there’s no olive branch left to extend.

This is like an abusive husband telling his battered wife, “Look honey. I’m ready to move forward together. We have so much to do to heal this marriage.”

No sale, Alyssa.

We’re not the ones who spent the last four years slandering our fellow Americans.

We’re not the ones who went on CNN to accuse our fellow Americans of being racists and Nazis.

Alyssa's disingenuous olive branch

Perhaps if Alyssa Milano hadn’t spent the last four years stridently attacking Trump supporters this sort of faux unity message would be believable. But as it is, given what she did for four straight years, I’m thinking believing Alyssa wants to extend an olive branch is a rookie mistake.

Then again, I’ve been writing about the hapless Z-list celebrity’s political “activism” for four years now. So you can understand why I think Alyssa’s olive branch is just a wee bit disingenuous.

As I said in response to Biden’s calls for unity, it’s hard to bridge the divide after blowing up every bridge.

Well, Alyssa was on the ResistanceLOL demolition team. She spent four years detonating every bridge in her quest for political relevance.

So, no, I’m not buying it.

The timing of this olive branch is transparently suspect.

Alyssa knows half the country believes Biden’s so-called “victory” was ill-gotten. She knows the Democrats’ election fraud to get the old coot into the White House will mean half the country will never view Biden as legitimate. And now she’s terrified that half the country will show just as much disdain for Biden as she showed for Trump.

In other words, Alyssa fears that she and her ResistanceLOL compatriots are about to get a taste of their own medicine.

And after spending four years dishing it out, Alyssa does not want to be on the receiving end.

This olive branch of hers is about as sincere as Nancy Pelosi’s faux tears.

We spent four years warning the ResistanceLOL that they would regret going down the road they chose. But they did it anyway.

And now, they have to pay the price.

And payback is an even bigger bitch than Alyssa Milano.