Friday, November 6, 2020

Nevada Republicans Send Criminal Referral to AG Barr


Article by Leah Barkoukis in Townhall

Nevada Republicans Send Criminal Referral to AG Barr

Lawyers for the Nevada GOP sent a criminal referral to Attorney General Bill Barr on Thursday, seeking an investigation in the battleground state over alleged voter fraud, claiming they’ve identified 3,062 individuals who have “improperly cast mail ballots in the election.”

The names and addresses were cross-referenced using the National Change of Address database, they said.

"Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially," the Nevada GOP said on Twitter. "Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV." 

 A copy of the letter was shared by Tim Murtaugh, Trump campaign director of communications, on Twitter.

 Murtaugh also shared a separate letter that was sent to Mary-Anne Miller, an attorney representing Clark County, Nevada, which accused Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria of "inaction" on cleaning voter rolls


Earlier, the Nevada GOP alleged that underage citizens were voting. 

"Father of a 17 yo who registered & received ballot thankfully contacted county re: his ineligibility," the tweet continued. "The Radical Left dreams to lower voting age but... they can’t legally vote!"

 The party shared multiple examples of new residents who reportedly could not vote because they needed a new ID and were told to go to the DMV only to be told the wait for an appointment is months long.


Members of the Trump campaign announced Thursday morning that they were filing a lawsuit over alleged voter fraud in the state, claiming at least 10,000 ballots were cast by people who do not live there.  

“It is unacceptable to have illegal votes counted,” former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell said. “We’ve asked Clark County for answers, they have no answers. They continue to count illegal votes. It’s unacceptable and it’s giving people a sense that the system is corrupt.” 

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