Friday, November 6, 2020

Hard to bridge the divide after blowing up every bridge

After all the anger, vitriol, and slanderous attacks, Joe Biden actually wants us to believe that he can bridge the very divide he exploited during the campaign? LOL! No.

Now that Joe Biden is acting as if he is already President-elect, he’s decided to take on the role of the Great Healer.  Ironic, I know. This is the guy who blew up every bridge on his way to election day. And now he wants us to believe that he can bridge the divide.

David’s anger is understandable and no doubt shared by a lot of us.

Joe Biden was part of the cabal that unleashed endless investigations on President Trump that hamstrung his first term and so divided the American people, the damage might be irreversible.

Joe spent the election season – not to mention the last four years – lobbing attacks at not just Trump but at us.

In 2018, Biden told the Human Rights Campaign that Trump’s election emboldened “the dregs of society.”

He routinely accused us of being white supremacists while lumping Trump and his supporters in with the dumbass tiki torch idiots from Charlottesville.  This despite the fact that the very organizer of that loathsome band of weirdos proudly endorsed Joe for President.

Biden accused blacks of not being black if they didn’t vote for him.

He got in the faces of voters – accusing them of lying, calling them names, and insulting them.

And now he wants to bridge the divide – the very divide he helped widen?

Are you kidding me?

Truth is, even Biden’s voters aren’t too keen on his phony olive branch.

You should read the replies to his tweet. These guys do not want to bridge the divide. After all, they hate us and see us as their enemy — something they make that abundantly clear in the replies.

Joe and Kamala spent all their time sucking up to these hateful, angry people. And in doing so they blew up every bridge — torching everything that united us as a people.

Believing Joe wants to bridge the divide he helped to create seems like a rookie mistake.

The irony here is the one who actually did bridge the divide is Donald Trump. President Trump garnered more support from minority voters than any Republican candidate since 1960. And that doesn’t come as a surprise.

While Joe and Kamala blew up every bridge, it was Donald Trump who reached out and brought Americans together.

Trump didn’t subdivide Americans into identity groups; Biden did.

Trump didn’t attack Americans who disagreed with him; Biden did.

And after all the anger, vitriol, and slanderous attacks, Joe Biden actually wants us to believe that he can bridge the divide he exploited during the campaign?



Identity politics is all about Us versus Them. It requires allies and enemies. And that is the politics Joe Biden and his odious running mate embraced in this election.

They’re the ones who widened this divide.

They’re the ones who encouraged it.

Now they can live with the fallout.