Thursday, October 29, 2020

The end of China Joe’s plausible deniability

In one interview, China Joe’s plausible deniability over his involvement in Hunter’s dirty deals just went up in smoke.

Last night Tucker Carlson devoted his entire hour to an interview with Tony Bobulinski – the Biden family’s former business partner turned whistleblower. And when Bobulinski expressed concern to China Joe’s brother over how the Biden family planned square this business deal with China with any future Presidential run of Biden’s, brother Biden summed it up in two words – plausible deniability.

In other words, the Biden family deliberately set things up in a way to give the appearance that China Joe’s fingerprints were nowhere near these dirty deals.

With an air of “so there,” the media spent last week shrieking that there was no evidence in Biden’s tax returns that old China Joe was up to his tits in Hunter’s shady deals.

Does the media really believe Joe’s tax returns will have a line-item that reads “My ten percent of Hunter’s shady deal with the Chinese Communists.”

Of course the money was laundered in such a way as to not raise any flags. That’s part of China Joe’s plausible deniability.

Bobulinski’s account of his interactions with the Bidens makes it clear that Joe knew exactly what was going on, had veto power over the deals they made, and was benefiting financially from those deals.

The entire interview is must-watch, but here is a portion of it:

This is one hell of an explosive story of influence peddling and corruption involving the former Vice President of the United States. But here’s how many stories CNN has written on Tony Bobulinski since he first came forward last week:

CNN gives China Joe some plausible deniability

If you replaced the names Hunter Biden with Don Junior, and Joe Biden with Donald Trump, this interview with Tony Bobulinski would be the biggest news story of the last four years.

Apparently it isn’t just Jim Biden and Hunter were concerned about giving China Joe plausible deniability. The media is supplying old Joe plausible deniability as well.

Personally, I’d despise the media far less if they just came out and admitted that they desperately want Biden to win the election so they’re hiding his corruption from the public.

But to claim, without evidence, that Bobulinski is a Russian asset and all his evidence – as well as the evidence on Hunter’s laptop – is “Russian disinformation” makes me despise them with the fire of a thousand suns.

Isn’t just journalistic malpractice; it’s their willingness to defame a private citizen for committing the sin of exposing China Joe’s corruption.

In last night’s interview, Bobulinski blew China Joe’s plausible deniability clean out of the water. Joe can no longer claim he knew nothing. Well, he can claim it, but the evidence shows that old China Joe is flat-out lying.

Even Biden’s people know just how damaging Bobulinski’s evidence is – as this recording featured on Tucker’s show makes clear:

But still nobody in the media will touch this story.

Again, the Atlantic ran an unverified story based on anonymous sources that in 2018 President Trump called veterans “losers” and “suckers.”

And the media went on a feeding frenzy over it. The White House Press Secretary was grilled over it. Trump was questioned about it. Even after all those people went on the record to debunk the anonymous claims, the media kept at it. Biden still uses it as a campaign talking point – as does Kamala Harris and Barack Obama.

But for the fully-sourced and documented story on China Joe and his influence-peddling family business – including an on-the-record witness – these garbage hacks plug up their ears and shriek, “La la la! I can’t hear you!!!”

As David Burge famously said more than six years ago:

The problem is, there’s not smothering this story anymore.

Tucker Carlson’s show is the number one cable news program in the country. Between those who tuned in last night and those who will watch Bobulinski’s interview via YouTube and other sites in the coming days, no amount of media suppression is going to stop this story from coming out.

China Joe lied when he claimed he never discussed Hunter’s shady deals.

He’s lying when he says he never made any money off of them.

And he’s lying when he claims the story is Russian disinformation.

There is no more plausible deniability for China Joe, no matter how much he denies it and no matter how diligently the media tries to protect him.