Thursday, October 15, 2020

SSCI Releases FBI Interview Notes of Bruce Ohr –

Nellie Ohr Thumb Drive Likely Connected to Circular Verification of Dossier

I’m not going to spend a great deal of time on this release, because the Ohr 302’s were previously released, except to point out some interesting aspects.

First, the timing, content and sequence of the specific documents being released are interesting.  Almost like someone is paying attention.  The original release of the Bruce Ohr 302 interview notes was in August 2019 to Judicial Watch. The release today is of the same information in a better quality.

Secondly, in both sets of released documents the name Dan Jones has been redacted.  It appears the redaction is made under the auspices of “sources and methods”; however, Jones was a former SSCI lead staffer, so the redaction appears to be one of institutional concern and self-preservation.

The last interview of Bruce Ohr (May 15th, 2017) took place two days prior to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller. Throughout the interviews Bruce was acting as the go-between from his both his wife Nellie at Fusion-GPS and Fusion’s contract agent Christopher Steele.

Third, The content of the December 2016 thumb-drive given to Bruce by Nellie is discussed within the interview notes but not released. 

Why? Possibility/Probability:

(A) The Nellie research will align almost identically with the content of the Dossier; and (B) the Nellie research was used as verification of the dossier itself. See the recent release of verification documents. [SEE HERE]  In essence the source information for the Dossier was used to validate the dossier conclusions…

….It’s the same damn material. That’s why Nellie Ohr took the Fusion-GPS header off the top of the material she provided.

Here’s the SSCI Release from yesterday:

2020-10-13 Submission SJC S... by Herridge

Remember, the New York Times even tried to lie about 

Nellie Ohr working on the dossier.

(article link)

Unexpectedly for the journalists who participated in the scheme, Bruce Ohr told congress the truth about his wife’s work history. Yes, Nellie Ohr worked on the Dossier:

Kim Strassell – […] Congressional sources tell me that Mr. Ohr revealed Tuesday that he verbally warned the FBI that its source had a credibility problem, alerting the bureau to Mr. Steele’s leanings and motives. He also informed the bureau that Mrs. Ohr was working for Fusion and contributing to the dossier project.

This is a key point {GO DEEP} and one that highlights the severity of how far the media is willing to go in their effort to protect the deep state enterprise and engagements in 2015 and 2016.  Mrs. Nellie Ohr was not only a Fusion GPS contracted employee, she was also part of the CIA’s Open Source Works, in Washington DC (link)

Both Mr. and Mrs Ohr worked on a collaborative CIA group project surrounding International Organized Crime. (pdf here) Page #30 Screen Shot Below

When you overlay the timeline with the demonstrable activity, it becomes transparently easy to see exactly what was taking place.

Dan Jones was working with Glenn Simpson at Fusion-GPS.  Fusion-GPS contracted with Nellie Ohr in “late 2015”.  This is the exact same time when thousands of unauthorized “contractor searches” were taking place within the NSA/FBI database.  This is where the Ham radio comes in handy to receive information from database extraction.

Nellie Ohr then sends research outcomes to Chris Steele for the dossier assembly; and the dossier is then laundered back to Bruce Ohr and FBI for use in their operation against the Trump campaign.   Meanwhile Simpson and Jones are leaking to the media who are writing articles…. Nellie then captures those articles to validate material in the dossier; puts the citations on a thumb-drive and gives it to Bruce… Again, it’s the same damn origin.

All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI was allowing contractors, many of whom were likely in contact with journalists -via Dan Jones and Glenn Simpson- to have access to the databases within the NSA.  This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.