Thursday, October 15, 2020

Kamala’s COVID Kabuki

The over-the-top, scenery-chewing play-acting is nothing but theater designed to keep you terrified of COVID and angry at Trump.

I don’t know if you noticed this, but lately Joe Biden has been wearing not one, but two masks. Between that and the exaggerated social distancing at Biden’s campaign “events” leads me to suspect that this is nothing but COVID Kabuki Theater.

The Biden campaign is playing it up – doing everything they can to give the appearances that COVID is the modern day Black Plague.

But it’s as phony as a Hollywood sound stage.

The objective of COVID Kabuki is to gin up fear and create the impression that Americans aren’t safe and it’s all Trump’s fault.

The media is more than happy to play its part in this COVID Kabuki. Which is exactly why cable news personalities had a meltdown over Trump saying, “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

The purpose of COVID Kabuki is to keep you huddled in your homes, terrified to venture out, while hoping you blame President Trump for your predicament.

Like a dutiful running mate, Kamala Harris bought some of that COVID Kabuki to Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing.

Unlike her colleagues, Kamala is appearing “remotely.” And by “remotely,” I mean, from another room in the exact same building.

Because it isn’t safe! COVID will kill us all!!!! Kamala must be isolated for fear that COVID will kill her!!!!! Look at how reckless the Senate Republicans are that they would risk the lives of Senators just to “jam” through Trump’s “illegitimate” nominee!!! Be afraid, America! Be very afraid!!!

So invested in COVID Kabuki is the Biden campaign that Kamala gave up the opportunity to showboat and filibuster the nominee in person. And we all know how important it is to Kamala to preen and showboat for the cameras while facing off with a Trump nominee. So that’s quite a sacrifice on her part.

But here is a video clip of Kamala Harris from yesterday:

She can’t enter the hearing room because it isn’t safe. But she can cram onto an elevator with a bunch of people in the same damn building as the hearing.

What do you think Kamala is more pissed about? That a reporter ambushed her to ask about court-packing or that the reporter filmed her “behind the scenes” of her COVID Kabuki thereby exposing what an utter fraud she is?

Then again, Kamala has always been an opportunistic fraud.

Which is why she’s more than willing to play her part in this COVID Kabuki.

If you’re want people angry at Trump and the Senate Republicans by claiming going through with the confirmation puts Senators at risk, of course you’re going to insist on “appearing” via Zoom. But it’s nothing but play-acting – over-the-top, scenery-chewing play-acting.

In other words, Kabuki.

Only unlike real Kabuki, in COVID Kabuki, the actors don’t wear face paint; they wear masks.

These people are deeply dishonest frauds.

And they want you afraid, not because it isn’t safe, but because they believe it helps them politically to have you cowering in terror. They think it helps them politically to keep Democrat-run states locked down.  And they are more than happy to see you unemployed, your kids out of school and your businesses shut down just to win in November.

Your pain is their gain.

It’s craven and cruel.

But that’s the Democrat Party in a nutshell.