Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Is this Satire? Cuomo and Abrams being considered for Biden AG

This is the problem with 2020 in a nutshell. 
It is becoming impossible to differentiate between real news and satire.

This is the problem with 2020 in a nutshell. It is becoming impossible to differentiate between real news and satire.

And this morning, I saw something that I thought for sure had to be satire. In fact, I actually laughed out loud at how cleverly funny it was.

According to Axios, among those being considered by the Harris Biden Campaign for Attorney General are Grandma Killer Andrew Cuomo and Perennial Sore Loser Stacey Abrams.

Is this a joke?

Is Axios a satire site now?

I mean, Cuomo at least served as New York’s Attorney General. But Stacey Abrams?!

You know what Stacey Abrams’ legal career consisted of?  She was a tax attorney.

And when you consider that, up until a few months ago, she owed the IRS over fifty grand, can you blame me for thinking including her name in the list of possible AGs made this satire?

But it isn’t satire.

The Biden handlers actually looked at this tax scofflaw/tax attorney and thought, “Boy, would she be a terrific Attorney General!”

Honestly, what are they smoking in Biden’s basement? Did his advisors get into his stash of meds?

Then again, the same campaign people let this dummy think she actually had a shot at being Biden’s running mate. So who knows what’s going on with these goofballs.

According to Axios, Andrew Cuomo is the odds-on favorite.  Which only proves my “Democrats Fail Up” theorem.

[Then again, the entire post-2018 “career” of Stacey Abrams also confirms my “Democrats Fail Up” theorem.]

Cuomo is responsible for at least eleven thousand COVID deaths through his reckless and dangerous nursing home order.

Right now, he is actively infringing on the religious liberty of New Yorkers – cracking down on those recalcitrant Jews who have the temerity to defy his anti-religious freedom dictates.

Oh, and did I mention that homicides and shootings are out of control under his watch?

And yet Biden’s handlers looked at this inept, preening, bloviating violator of civil rights and thought, “Wow! He’s a great choice to preserve and protect the rights of all citizens as America’s top law enforcement official!”

Sweet, merciful Zeus.

Is Joe Biden actually running to win the White House, or is his campaign itself nothing but satire?