Thursday, September 24, 2020

Video Showing U-Haul Dropping Off Antifa Supplies Now In Louisville After Breonna Taylor Decision

Nick Arama reporting for RedState

We’ve written a lot about Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests and riots.

It’s pretty obvious, having done so much coverage on the subject, that they are organized, that these are not just spontaneously upset people taking to the streets.

We can see the marches and “direct actions” being advertised on BLM and radical accounts, including the DSA and the PSL, who often have folks out at these things.

Now, it was clear that there was going to be trouble with the grand jury decision coming in today in Louisville in the Breonna Taylor case. As I reported, only one cop was charged, and for a relatively minor felony because of shooting into the next apartment. The grand jury basically decided the cops were justified in firing back because Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend fired at them.

So when some claim there is no “Antifa” and they’re not organized, we ask them to take a look at what the Daily Caller’s Shelby Talcott just took video of in Louisville.

The three arrows sign is the symbol for Antifa, an international symbol. Notice, also the girl that comes up to the U-Haul carrying a black aluminum bat which I don’t think is there for peaceful protesting. Notice also the organizer with the red scarf asking for help with the sign. The red scarf is apparently the color of the day to id leaders. His face was completely covered with a black ski mask, making me think he’s known somewhere and doesn’t want to reveal his identity. Folks are already geared up in black bloc attire.

Townhall’s Julio Rosas got more shots inside the truck.

More from Brendan Gutenschwager:

Here they are now employing some of the supplies off loaded from the U-Haul, including the big signs.

But sure, it’s not organized, right, Democrats? And they have bats, shields and pieces of wood for ‘peaceful protest,’ right?

It’s going to be a long day.