Thursday, September 24, 2020

Trump's Actual Debate Opponent Rears Its Ugly Head...


And it's none other than Hiss Wallace.

According to CPD: News Wallace has published the list of topics he'll cover during the first presidential debate of 2020, which will take place at 9pm EST on Tuesday, Sept 29th.

Hiss Wallace will first call for statements about each candidate's record, then the Supreme Court, WuFlu, the economy, race and violence in our cities, and integrity of the election. Each segment will be 15 minutes and run for a total of 90 minutes without commercial interruption.

These topics were announced in advance in order to encourage deep discussion of the leading issues facing the country, according to Siss Wallace.

Now then, I think we can all see this snake in the grass' plan from a mile away. Piss Wallace did this to give Biden's handlers a heads-up on the questions that will be asked and topics discussed so that they can write Biden's answers for him.

Trump must capitalize on this by dragging the debate off topic and hammering Biden with scrutiny over his quid pro quo with Ukraine, the bribes his son Hunter took, Biden's history of racism and support of Robert Byrd a former grand wizard of the Klan, point out his cognitive decline and how he refuses to take a cognitive test, and challenge him on his plan to force federal zoning laws on the suburbs in order to abolish single family homes. Also, crack jokes about Biden. Get him flustered and irritated. Prod him to make a mistake.

My prediction is that Wallace will try to cover for Biden, and go on the offense against Trump in his questioning. Also expect constant interruptions. Think Candy Crowley, only less masculine. That's why Trump's real opponent in the first debate will be the so-called "moderator".

Wallace will likely try to phrase his questions to Trump as accusations and condemnations, to do Biden's heavy lifting for him.

Here's some line of questioning you can expect. "Whu-Mr. President, how can you expect Vice President Biden to release a list of Supreme Court nominees when you've already moved ahead and nominated someone to fill the vacated seat? And isn't it hypocritical of you to nominate someone when in 2016 you said Merrick Garland should be denied so the people could have a chance to vote on the president who would nominate the next justice?" Also, "What do you say Mr. President to the reports that you waited too long to act on Coronavirus, and in fact downplayed the seriousness of the virus to the American people as you admit to Bob Woodward?"

And of course we can expect the same old question from last time, "Will you accept the results of the election?" This is despite the fact that Biden has hired hundreds of lawyers all across the country to litigate the results in each state, and despite the fact that democrats are the ones who can't accept election results.

I hope President Trump is prepared for these kinds of shenanigans, while also having some things in store for Biden.

Believe it!