Saturday, September 26, 2020

Texas Reloaded: The Best Campaign Ad Ever

The campaign ad from Dan Crenshaw’s group 
Texas Reloaded totally resets the bar.

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

As I was camped out on the couch feeling miserable from this bug, I happened across what has to be the best campaign ad I’ve ever seen.

It’s called Texas Reloaded and it’s part campaign ad, part action movie preview. And whoever dreamed it up is a friggin’ genius.

Not long ago I saw this Reason parody campaign ad that pretty much sums up the general formula most candidates follow:

It’s funny because it’s true. Think about it. That’s the formula that almost every politician uses in every ad.

Then along comes Texas Reloaded. This brilliant campaign ad drop kicks that formula out of a helicopter and gives us something entirely different.

Take a look:

What I tell you?

This is brilliant.

It’s clever, funny, and has all the punch of an Avengers movie.

The final sparring scene made me laugh out loud.

As I watched it (for the third or fourth time), I found myself wondering if the so-called “Squad” could ever dream up something so clever and entertaining. And just wondering that made me laugh out loud because the answer is a chuckling “Not a chance!” Those miserable harpies take themselves way too seriously to come up with something that’s a rollicking good time.

I’m thinking the candidates in Texas Reloaded had as much fun making this campaign ad as I have watching it.

And who knew Dan Crenshaw is an action hero in the making?

You can donate to Texas Reloaded HERE.