Saturday, September 26, 2020

Biden Called Military Personnel "Stupid Bastards" To Their Faces

So much for all that righteous indignation over The Atlantic's smear against President Trump.

Biden projects his own sentiments onto Trump

I've had a saying for quite some time about the liberal democrats. It goes a little something like this,

They accuse others of that which they are most guilty.

So it was when The Atlantic ran a smear piece against the President, accusing him of calling our fallen soldiers "losers" and "suckers". In transparent fashion, Biden followed up by coordinating with this line of attack and giving a clumsily worded speech condemning the comments he knew were made up. Check this video for a refresher on that if you want.

I knew at the time that this was nothing more than Biden and liberals in the media besmirching the troops in a blatant attempt to deceive the American people into hating Trump. Aside from the knowledge that The Atlantic is run by a pro-Biden hack, we now have proof of Biden's real feelings about our troops.

A leaked video of Biden calling them "stupid bastards", "a dull bunch", and "slow" has surfaced. This is from 2016 when Biden's dementia was still in its early stages.

Of course, Biden's handlers claim he was just joking. You can tell by his tone that he wasn't. He looked and sounded annoyed that his line, which he probably thought was worthy of admiration, got no reaction. So he fumed in his typical way by lashing out. Perhaps he was hallucinating and seeing dog-faced pony soldiers, right fat?

This exposes Biden and the liberal media as the true haters of the military. The Atlantic piece was total projection, and Biden's condemnation of Trump was rehearsed theatrics.

Biden hates the troops, and the only "joke" in that clip was Biden himself.

Trump should destroy Biden on this very issue. He has Biden lined up for a knockout, and you can bet the fake news media will take the fall with him.

Believe it!