Monday, September 7, 2020

Kamala Harris: Vaccine Conspiracy Theorist

Is Kamala so steeped in Trump Derangement Syndrome that she actually thinks President Trump set up a lab in the White House and is concocting the vaccine himself?

In an interview for CNN’s State of the Union that will air today, Kamala Harris claimed she would be suspicious of any COVID vaccine that was available before the November election.

CNN’s Biden campaign staffer Dana Bash presented the hypothetical asking “So, let’s just say there’s a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it?”

And Senator Believe Science answered:

“Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. Um, I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump.” [Big Grin] “And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the … um … the efficacy and the … and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it.”

What an odious woman.

CNN thought this was such a terrific clip, they released it on Twitter yesterday.

When I heard Kamala’s answer, the first thing I thought was, “How retarded is Kamala Harris?”

Does Kamala not understand the mission of Operation Warp Speed?

Is she so steeped in Trump Derangement Syndrome that she actually thinks President Trump set up a lab in the White House and is concocting the vaccine himself? For all her prattle about how “reckless” Donald Trump is, how is this not incredibly reckless of her?

In the same clip, Kamala claims that the vaccine development is politically motivated – namely, Trump scrambling to look like he’s doing something after not doing anything since the start of this Pandemic panic.

Not only is this patently absurd, it’s also deeply dishonest and hypocritical.

How is Kamala casting shade on a vaccine anything but politically motivated?

You think the Biden campaign wants the Wuhan virus under control before the election?

Of course they don’t.

They want this to drag on until after November so they can keep battering Trump with it — not to mention force through “universal mail-in voting.”

This is why Kamala is fearmongering over a hypothetical vaccine. It is 100% political in exactly the same way Kamala battering Joe in that debate was 100% political.

The difference, of course, is accusing Biden of cozying up to racists doesn’t risk the lives of American citizens. Whereas fearmongering over a vaccine absolutely does.

The truth is, Kamala Harris is really, really bad at this. Which is precisely why she bailed out of the Democrat primary two months before the Iowa Caucus.

She has no verbal control, not to mention a long track record of saying tremendously stupid things in interviews which later she has to “clarify.”

So it doesn’t surprise me at all that this “we must embrace science” lightweight politician is now talking like a conspiracy-addled anti-Vaxxer.

Trust me, if she gets pushback for coming off as some vaccine conspiracy theorist, Kamala will release a statement “clarifying” her position.

But one thing is certain; she won’t get pushback from the lickspittle press.

Even the reporters that demanded “clarifications” for her frequent crazy statements during the primary will now let this reckless fool mouth off any old way she wants so long as she’s attacking Trump.

Kamala is a loathsome and dishonest person.

I told you a couple of weeks ago to keep in mind Kamala’s flip-flop on Joe Biden’s racist past. Her excuse for saying anything for political gain (“It was a debate!”) will be used once again to smear and slander President Trump the same way she smeared and slandered Biden.

But she’s also a fraud.

Like Nancy Pelosi, Kamala really doesn’t give a crap about the virus or the people who have died. COVID-19 is nothing more than a political bludgeon to her.

Both Biden and Harris want you scared and cowed. They want you believing that Trump failed, and they have the ability to bring the virus under control (though they never explain how they’ll do that).

And if Operation Warp Speed succeeds in creating a COVID vaccine, their ability to use the virus for political gain — while keep you cowering and afraid — goes away.
Kamala’s not genuinely concerned about the efficacy of a potential vaccine. She’s concerned about losing her political bludgeon.

And your life, your health, your ability to move freely like an American – none of that is of any consequence to the odious Kamala Harris.