Monday, September 7, 2020

I’m starting to feel sorry for Bill Clinton

I don’t know what kind of deal with the devil Bill and Hillary made that forces them to stay together. But it must have been really binding.

Patriot Retort
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m beginning to feel sorry for Bill Clinton.

What has the last four years been like for this man being yoked to a bitter, resentful woman who, to this day, just cannot shut the hell up about losing to Trump?

I’m sure you’ve seen the video of Hillary Clinton once again bitch-bitch-bitching about Trump and the Russians while hubby Bill sits silently glowering beside her. But if you haven’t here’s a clip from it.

Look at Bill Clinton. Just look at him.

Here I thought Liz Warren’s husband looking awkward and embarrassed during his wife’s “I’m gonna get me a beer” Instagram video was bad. This is like a hostage video for
Pete’s sake.

I watched that clip several times and my only thought is, “Bill Clinton is all of us.”
We all feel the way he looks. We’re right there with ya, Bill.

How many times do you think this poor guy has had to sit and listen to Hillary rail when the cameras are off?  I mean, if this is how she is on camera imagine what it’s like when it’s just the two of them home alone in Chappaqua.

Back in April of 2017, I wrote a column titled “There’s nothing worse than a chick that won’t let go” in which I said, “I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if the few people who still spend time privately with Hillary are getting a daily dose of her endless complaints.”

I wrote that exactly five months after the 2016 election was called for Donald Trump.

It’s been another three years and five months since I wrote that column, and she still will not let it go.

Is there nobody in Hillary’s orbit who has the courage to tell her “Madam Secretary, you’re starting to look deranged.”

Has Bill?

I’m guessing no since he willingly sat there while his deranged wife committed to film even more of her conspiracy theories and crackpot rantings.

Either Bill Clinton is the biggest pussy in the world, or through self-preservation he’s learned how to tune her out. But after four years of this, I’m thinking Bill has reached his saturation point.

And now he can’t even get away from it by escaping to Epstein Island for a little fun in the sun and a massage from an underage girl.  Nope. He just has to sit there and take it day after day after miserable day.

I don’t know how he puts up with it, to be honest with you. If we feel like we can’t get away from this woman, imagine how Bill feels.

If we find this resentful perseveration tiresome, what must Bill think?

Well, judging from the look on his face, I think we know what he thinks.

Exactly four months after Hillary lost to Trump, I said:

Eventually, even those who voted for her are going to get tired of hearing her harp on this in speech after speech.

Because this kind of endless griping sucks all the oxygen out of the room. And even the people who like you get sick of it.

I think it’s safe to say Bill Clinton is officially sick of it.

I don’t know what kind of deal with the devil Bill and Hillary made that forces them to stay together.  But it must have been really binding.

Because, honestly, I can think of no other reason Bill puts up with this bitter, Chardonnay-swilling fishwife a second longer.