Thursday, August 20, 2020

This is sure to appeal to the Democrat base

When 52% of the Democrat base wish they had another nominee, loading up your convention with Republicans isn’t the way to change that.
There is a palpable lack of voter enthusiasm among the Democrat base. It’s hard not to notice that.

I mean, when Gallup finds that 52% of Democrats are unsatisfied with their nominee and wish someone else was leading the ticket, that is going to tamp down enthusiasm among the Democrat base.

You’d think the DNC would be gearing their convention toward those dissatisfied Democrat voters in hopes of firing them up.

But no, not the DNC.

Instead, they are trotting out a conga line of has-been RINO Republicans like John Kasich, Colin Powell, Christine Todd Whitman and Cindy McCain.  For crying out loud, those people couldn’t fire up Republican voters.

Does the DNC actually think they will light a fire under the dissatisfied Democrat base?

Donald Trump holds a 96% approval rating among Republican voters.  But for some reason, the DNC is putting more time and effort into winning over the 4% who don’t approve than they are narrowing the enthusiasm gap among their own voters.

Is there a single actual Republican outside of the DC/NYC bubble who sees John Kasich at the Democrat Convention and thinks, “You know, I was on the Trump Train, but then I saw John Kasich standing at a crossroads and now I’m on the Biden Jalopy!”

More to the point, is there any unenthusiastic Democrat voter still struggling to find a single reason to get fired up for Joe who saw Colin Powell last night and thought, “Boy, I just wasn’t excited about Biden. Then I saw the guy who lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and got us into a needless war where thousands of Americans died, and now I can’t WAIT to vote for Joe!!!”

I think it’s more likely that a large segment of the Democrat base was furious that Colin Powell got so much time to speak when their Queen AOC only got sixty seconds.

Is it that the DNC can’t see the enthusiasm gap as wide as the Grand Canyon existing within their own base?

Or is it, as I suggested yesterday, that the Democrat Party truly believes that Trump Hatred alone will be enough to drag Joe into the White House?

Now, to be fair, not all Democrats are lacking in enthusiasm.  Many of them are excited about voting for Trump in November.

There are even die-hard Liberals who, though maybe not excited, are still walking away from the Democrat Party in favor of Trump – including well-known independent journalist Tim Pool.

I doubt watching Colin Powell or Cindy McCain is going to entice Tim Pool back into the fold.

What is motivating the Democrat Party to make such idiotic decisions?

It’s insanely stupid, but I think the DNC has fallen for the Lincoln Project grift so completely they actually think the key to Joe Biden winning is ignoring the Democrat base and targeting the four percent of Republicans who don’t support Trump.

Sure, the Lincoln Project gets a lot of attention on Twitter.  But Twitter is not a barometer of what’s happening in real life.  The Democrats making convention choices based on Twitter trends and retweets, will do absolutely nothing to appeal to the Democrat base out here on Planet Earth.

Retweets don’t translate into actual human people going to the polls and voting for their guy.

What is the Democrat ground game?  The Trump campaign has actual bodies knocking on doors, registering voters, making phone calls.

The Democrat Party has Twitter and Cindy McCain.

Does the DNC think that somehow Joe Biden, the man 52% of Democrats wish wasn’t their nominee, will singlehandedly close that enthusiasm gap just by giving his acceptance speech tonight?

If they do, that’s expecting an awful lot from a guy who can’t make it through a carefully-managed TV interview without shoving his foot into his mouth.

Meanwhile, Democrat-led cities are devolving into Beirut, Marxist Leftists are pushing the Democrat Party ever further to the Left, and Democrat-run states are treating COVID as an opportunity to get their Tyranny on.

But don’t worry, nervous Democrat voters. The Democratic National Convention scored Cindy McCain!

This is sure to appeal to the Democrat base