Thursday, August 20, 2020

Let’s give the Convention the Star Trek Treatment

Here are several Star Trek related Photoshops in honor of the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

I’ve been sacked out on the couch watching episodes of the original Star Trek series to pass the time.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it entered my head to give the Democrat National Convention the Star Trek treatment.

When you watch nothing but Star Trek for days on end, it’s bound to happen.

This morning I saw a clip of Bill Clinton’s speech from last night, I marveled at just how old and decrepit he’s looking – especially when you consider he’s actually younger than the old, decrepit nominee.

I mean, which of those two do I Photoshop as wheelchair-bound Captain Pike?

Ah, hell.  I did both.

Star Trek Bill Clinton

Biden as Captain Pike

John Kerry definitely has a face for Star Trek, doesn’t he?  In fact, several years ago I did a Star Trek image of Kerry and Obama as Ruk and Andrea from the episode “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” That mashed-potato-faced oaf is perfect for the lumbering alien Ruk (who was played by the guy who played Lurch on the Addams Family).  So let’s do another with Kerry as Ruk, shall we?

John Kerry as Ruk

Hey, did you hear that AOC kinda dissed old Joe in her brief address yesterday?  Poor old cooter. Speakers seem to be going out of their way to avoid mentioning the guy.

Any old how, AOC’s diss kinda made me think of this scene from Star Trek:

AOC as T'pao

I don’t know how his handlers are helping prep Joe for tonight’s big speech. Will they dose him with something? Pre-record it and edit out the gaffes and occasional racist remarks?

Or, will they go the Star Trek route?

Brain and Brain Star Trek

But wait! There’s one more!

The one Star Trek episode that, to this day, makes my brother and I cringe like crazy is the “Star Trek does the Hippies” episode “The Way to Eden.”

I couldn’t not find a way to use that one — especially given the equally cringey “musical number” from Monday night.

Billy Porter Star Trek

Any old how.

I hope you enjoyed these.