Thursday, August 27, 2020

THIS article belongs in the Opinion section of every major newspaper in the United States

I can't ever recall seeing something this honest and this concise targeting the Black community, and it comes from a Black Man.

Why the RNC does not take control of the narrative is hard for me to understand.

  This is basic, simple, honest and to the point.  

Today’s edition of BLM 101, Volume 5 will focus on the sports world’s reaction to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. BLM 101 is dedicated to educating athletes on the true agenda and negative consequences of the Black Lives Matter movement. BLM 101 tries to avoid snark and ridicule. We ask that you share the link of this article with your favorite athlete. 
Tuesday the sports world reacted strongly to the shooting of Jacob Blake.
The Detroit Lions canceled football practice, choosing instead to hold a mass press conference to discuss the shooting. Members of the Toronto Raptors threatened to boycott games inside the NBA Bubble. Clippers coach Doc Rivers launched a political attack on President Donald Trump. Denver Nuggets coach Michael Malone expressed frustration that the Disney World Bubble limits what basketball players can do to fight what they believe to be police brutality.

A day after LeBron James declared that black people live in daily fear of police violence and that black men are targeted for death by police, his disciples backed him up en masse.
James is the Al Sharpton of sports, an agent of chaos working closely with politicians who use racial division to rally voter support. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and black ministers can no longer deliver black voters to polling booths. The task has now been handed to James, Colin Kaepernick and black athletes. It’s their job to inflame the emotions of black people and get us to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depended on it.
As you know, I don’t vote. I reject the pervasive dishonesty in politics. As it relates to BLM, the man or woman sitting in the White House has absolutely nothing to do with how police engage with a resisting suspect. President Barack Obama was in office when Michael Brown tussled with officer Darren Wilson.
The politicization of Jacob Blake is a byproduct of political dishonesty. The prevailing sentiment propagandized by BLM that police are intentionally targeting black men is a political ploy. 
Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Eric Garner and Rayshard Brooks are not examples of “systemic racism.” If anything, they’re examples of “systemic resisting arrest.”
The police, even bigoted police, are not nearly as dumb as BLM supporters would have you believe. LeBron James has foolishly suggested that police officers are intentionally hunting, targeting and killing black men. When discussing the actions of Kenosha police, James said:
“Or maybe he just left the house saying that, ‘Today is going to be the end for one of these black people.’ That’s what it feels like. It just hurts. It hurts.”
Police are not that stupid. Killing a criminal suspect complicates and jeopardizes the life of the police officer, even if he’s not convicted of a crime. You think Darren Wilson is somewhere happy he was involved in the death of Michael Brown?
The goal of a good police officer is to lock up bad guys. The goal of a white racist cop is to lock up black people. Good and bad police officers want to put handcuffs on and politely escort people to jail. That’s the payoff. That’s the goal. They leave their houses hoping to put people in handcuffs and escort them inside the belly of the beast — the criminal justice system created by career politicians such as Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Bill Clinton. 
I’m referencing Democratic politicians because LeBron James and his disciples seem to believe the Democratic Party is going to save black people from the “systemic racism” found within the criminal justice system.
It’s a joke. The architects of the system are using LeBron James and athletes to point black people at the wrong target. The athletes are useful idiots. They’ve been talked into dedicating themselves to ensuring that career criminals are unharmed while resisting arrest and refusing to comply with police instructions.
The Detroit Lions canceled practice so they could speak out on behalf of a man wanted for sexual assault. The city of Kenosha is being burned to the ground on behalf of a man who wrestled with police and wouldn’t comply with instructions at gunpoint.
Across the country, police kill roughly 250 to 300 black people a year. The overwhelming majority of those killed are armed and violently resisting arrest. Thousands of black people are killed by black people every year. In Detroit alone roughly 250 black people are murdered annually. The majority of the murders go unsolved.
The Detroit Lions do not care.
An unarmed black man is a million times more likely to be killed by another black man than the police. But LeBron is terrified of police? If all it takes is a handful of high-profile anecdotes to justify living in fear of a group of people, can black, brown and white people say they live in fear of black men?
Can the Detroit Tigers cancel practice the next time a black man kills a Detroit citizen?
Let me return to my main point. Putting people behind bars is the goal of good and bad police. Prisons are hell on earth. The prison industrial complex is the beast. It’s the system that crushes the poor and financially exploits all who enter its gates.
If you have had a loved one or family member incarcerated, you know the financial burden placed on the prisoner’s family. It’s a racket of exploitation that would make Tony Soprano envious. Politicians know exactly what they created. These same politicians are using athletes and the media to focus all negative attention on $60,000-a-year cops who occasionally make deadly mistakes during millions of encounters with dangerous criminals.
Black Lives Matter is a smokescreen to divert attention away from the architects of the systemic unfairness in our criminal justice system. Twitter race-baiter and BLM activist Shaun King is demanding Kenosha police release the name of the police officer who shot Jacob Blake. Another Kenosha officer is in hiding because he’s been wrongly identified as the shooter.
King, LeBron, Doc Rivers, Michael Malone, the Toronto Raptors, the Detroit Lions, the NBA, the NFL and the woke sports media have all been incentivized to keep the focus on the lowest-hanging fruit — working-class cops.
This is what passes for speaking truth to power in the age of social media.
Blame the cops. Work to elect the career politicians who created the system.
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