Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Under oath, officials admit to harvesting organs from babies born alive with ‘beating hearts’

Josef Mengele
 Josef Mengele; Auschwitz prisoners to be used in Josef Mengele’s experiments.

Article by Thomas Lifson in "The American Thinker":

The nightmare is no product of imagination, it is real: infanticide for the purpose of organ harvesting is real. Madeline Osburn of The Federalist reports on shocking new video of deposition testimony under oath confirming crimes worthy of comparison to Dr.Mengele:
videos of witnesses under oath show that not only did the abortion giant profit from the sale of fetal organs, but that Planned Parenthood and its business partner, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), violated federal law that mandates a fetus born with a beating heart is a human being equally entitled to protections under the law.
“Placing an order for body parts from a born alive infant uses the means of interstate commerce to obtain the death of a human being through organ harvesting,” Daleiden says in the video. “If the federal law is applied equally to born-alive infants, this is murder for hire.”

In the video, ABR’s procurement manager Perrin Larton describes how fetuses “just fall out” of some women in the operating room “once every couple months.” She says she receives these intact fetuses straight from the abortion doctor and dissects them in the clinic lab for body parts. Larton is asked if those fetuses have a heartbeat. “It depends,” she says. “I can see hearts that are not in an intact P.O.C. [product of conception] that are beating independently.”
In a deposition with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, former medical director for Planned Parenthood Los Angles and current medical director at Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, she admits she has had “non-viable” fetuses delivered in her facilities. When asked how she determines whether a fetus born alive is considered viable, Nucatola says it “depends on where you work” and that one way she determines a baby’s viability is “the availability of interventions” at the facility.
Finally, Jon Dunn, the CEO of Planned Parenthood Orange County testifies that at least once he was made aware of a fetus born alive at his facility. The staff did not call 9-1-1 and “kept it warm and comfortable,” Dunn said.

Living human beings are killed by denying them care, and their organs are harvested for profit.  A grand jury is required, in my opinion.