Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Armed Black Lives Matter Terrorists Shoot SUV Driver in Provo Utah

More Domestic Terrorism at a Peaceful Protest

The level of cultural Marxism within the media reports is even more significant than ever before.  U.S. media are trying to protect the domestic terrorists. It is quite unnerving.

In Provo, Utah, a group of armed Black Lives Matter terrorists surrounded a vehicle at an intersection.  The driver would not exit the vehicle to be beaten by the mob.  One of the BLM activists pulled a gun and demanded the driver come out, when the driver refused the terrorist opened fire shooting the driver.   The driver hits the gas and tries to escape, the terrorist fires through the rear window as another armed terrorist joins the fray from the opposite side of the street.   WATCH:

According to local media, police are determining whether to charge the driver of the vehicle for not complying with the mob’s demand for the beating; thereby putting the other terrorists at risk.   “It’s unclear if the driver of the SUV who was shot is facing any possible charge for driving through the protesters after being shot.”

Here’s an enhanced video of the incident:

UTAH – “Several protesters began crowding around the vehicle,” said John Geyerman, Provo Police deputy chief. “The male protester ran toward the SUV on the passenger side, pointed a handgun at the driver, and shot one round through the window. The driver who was struck by the bullet accelerated, trying to leave the situation. The same protester ran after the vehicle and fired a second shot that went through the rear passenger window.”

Officials said the same man who allegedly fired the shots into the SUV also approached another vehicle and broke the window with a handgun.
The driver was taken to Utah Valley Hospital.

Police are looking for the alleged shooter and are asking for anyone with videos or pictures of the incident, or any other information, to contact PPD at 801-852-6210. (link)