Friday, July 3, 2020

Hey UK: come get your wayward prince

Hard to believe Harry used to be an Army Air Corps helicopter pilot in Afghanistan. My how the mighty testosterone levels have fallen.

Is there any kind of trade deal in the works between the US and the UK?  Because if there is, maybe it’s time for us to use that wayward Prince Harry as a bargaining chip.

We’ll give the Brits excellent terms on imports in exchange for us exporting their wayward prince back to the UK.

Hey, you never know. It might work. Leverage is the mother’s milk of commerce.

Because unless the Brits want another revolution on their hands, they’d be wise to take this guy off our hands.

Yesterday, in what can only be described as a hostage video from a clearly henpecked husband, Prince Harry added his voice to the “There’s such a thing as Institutional Racism” baloney.

Because of course.

Is anyone at all surprised that this meek little princeling started off with “My wife said?” I imagine Mrs. Wayward Prince subjects her browbeaten hubby to a lot of lectures.  When she isn’t busy ordering him to sell his gun collection that is.

I’ll tell ya. The things a homely ginger will put up with just to keep hold of a hot wife.

Remember how pissed off folks in the UK were when Barack Obama flew over there in 2016 and threatened to hurt them trade-wise if they voted for Brexit? Was subjecting us to Prince “Yes Dear Whatever You Say Dear” their idea of payback?

Hard to believe Harry used to be an Army Air Corps helicopter pilot in Afghanistan.  My how the mighty testosterone levels have fallen.

I’d like to think that had we known the wayward prince would begin lecturing America on its supposed “sins” before he even unpacked his bags, we never would’ve given him a visa.

Whelp.  Too late now I guess.  He and his domineering actress wife are here.

But I think if we offered the UK a sweet, sweet trade deal in exchange for taking their wayward prince back, it just might work, and we might be free of him.

He and the Missus can return to old Blighty and lecture them to their hearts’ content while leaving us Yanks alone.

Then again, something tells me the Brits don’t want this pussy-whipped ginger and his photogenic fishwife any more than we do.