Friday, April 24, 2020

Stay at Home or not, which is it Prince Andrew?

Cuomo tells the unemployed if they don’t want to stay at home, go get a job as an essential worker. As if “essential workers” have some magical immunity to the WuFlu.

For weeks now, New Yorkers have been urged, urged to stay at home.

Maybe urged is too mild a word.  Prince Andrew the Slimeball has ordered us to stay at home.

It’s the only way, don’t you know, the only way to “flatten the curve.”

Yes, your business might end up going bankrupt.  Your employees will end up losing their jobs.  But you must, nay, I order you to stay at home.

We must flatten the curve!  You must stay at home!!!!!

Sure, there are businesses and industries Prince Andrew has deemed “essential,” and those employees will still be permitted to go to work.  But everyone else, shutter your businesses, lose your job and stay at home!  For the sake of your fellow New Yorkers, you must stay at home!

Only, apparently New Yorkers don’t have to stay at home after all.

I know.  It’s hard to keep up.

Yesterday at his press conference, Prince Andrew was asked about the unemployed New Yorkers who are protesting his mandated stay at home order, and Cuomo accidentally blew the whole charade.

Listen to the condescending asshole.  Listen to how dismissive and callous he is to real New Yorkers being forced, FORCED, to lose their livelihoods because he ordered them, ORDERED THEM, to stay at home.

But pay special attention to what he says at the end of this clip.

Good heavens, what a dismissive asshole.

But notice the contradiction here?

After spending most of his time lecturing us about how important it is for the health and safety of New Yorkers to stay at home because if you don’t, you might cause someone’s death, Prince Andrew snaps, “You want to go to work? Go take a job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow.”

Um. So are you saying we don’t need to stay at home?

I’m confused.

If the public health risk is so dire that Prince Andrew needed to order us to stay home, why suggest all the folks ordered to stay home get out and take a job as an essential worker … tomorrow?

So is he saying we can go to work?

And if we can go to work as an “essential worker,” why not just go back to work at our regular jobs?

It isn’t as if Prince Andrew deeming you an “essential worker” comes with some kind of magical immunity to the Wuhan virus.

Hey, Andrew.  If all these unemployed New Yorkers can “go take a job” tomorrow, why not get out of the way so they can get their businesses back up and running and hire back their employees … tomorrow?

You can’t have it both ways, you arrogant piece of crap.

Either it is imperative for New Yorkers to stay at home or it isn’t.  It can’t be both.

As tempting as the prospect of getting ten dollars an hour stocking shelves at Walmart might be, I’m sure most of these unemployed New Yorkers would much rather just have their actual jobs back.

And now that we know it’s okay to get out tomorrow and get a job, maybe Prince Andrew can shove his stay at home edict up his sanctimonious ass, get out of the way, and let New Yorkers take the lead in dragging our economy out of the shitter.

Because if the last ten years are any indication, we know we can’t count on Andrew Cuomo to do it for us.