Friday, April 24, 2020

“Only in America,” vapid know-nothing complains

For Vapid Henry, “Liberty” means being a ward of the State.

We’ve added another 4.4 million Americans to the unemployment rolls thanks to this capricious and heartless shutdown imposed by state and local governments.  Americans are rebelling against the loss of jobs, income and livelihoods. And the vapid little know-nothing from the Bronx has thoughts.

“Only in America” she snottily says with a dramatic eyeroll, does Liberty mean more than simply sitting back and letting the government take care of your every need.

Yes, “only in America” would Americans wish to be freed from a government-imposed lockdown so they can get back to work, earn a living and support themselves.

“Only in America” is liberty seen as being free from a government preventing you from doing your job.

And apparently, Vapid Henry here has a problem with that. Apparently she thinks lifting the lockdown = forcing Americans against their will to be free to go back to their jobs.

President Trump wants to liberate Americans; and Alexandria rolls her eyes and scoffs, “Only in America.”

This is how little Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez understands about Liberty.

To her, “Liberty” means not having to take care of yourself. “Liberty,” to this big dummy, is ceding your freedom, your self-determination to the State.

If the Government is providing for your every want and need, you are not free, Sandy.  You are, in fact, a slave.

Being a ward of the State is not Liberty by any stretch of the imagination.

Listen to that condescension and disdain for Americans who expect the freedom and liberty that goes with having a job, earning a living, running a business, and living your life free of government overreach.

She has no idea what it means to be an American.  None.

Americans throughout the country are demanding to get back to work and take care of themselves and their families.  And this complete imbecile thinks that is the opposite of Liberty.

Only in America can Americans put their self-interest first; and that is incomprehensible to Vapid Henry.

Individual sovereignty is foreign to this nitwit.

Imagine the pathetic existence her “vision” of America would be.  Over three hundred million people dependent on a centralized government bureaucracy from cradle to grave.

And this idiot actually thinks that is “Liberty.”

Heaven help us.