Thursday, April 30, 2020

Noted flip-flopper flip-flops on #BelieveWomen

Vapid lightweight Senator twists herself into a pretzel for Dirty Digit Joe.

I mentioned Sunday that not one of the Senate Handmaids who flogged Christine Blasey Ford’s silly allegation against Brett Kavanaugh had stepped up to speak out about Tara Reade’s accusation against Dirty Digit Joe Biden.  Well yesterday, that infamous flip-flopper Kirsten Gillibrand finally piped up and, as usual, flip-flopped on her long-held position of believing women.

Once a flip-flopper, always a flip-flopper, and I right?

But it’s the lengths Kirsten will to go to justify her flip-flops that really impresses me.  The limber gal is more than ready to twist herself into knots to justify being such a flagrant flip-flopper.

Sure, she’s a shitty Senator, but given the contortions she’s willing to pull off, she’d have a promising career with Cirque du Soleil.

Joe Biden has not said Word One about Tara Reade’s accusation against him.  Not a peep.

And yet Flip-Flopper Kirsten actually justifies her flip-flop by claiming Dirty Digit Joe “vehemently denied this allegation.”

Really, Kirsten?

He “vehemently denied” it?

When?  Where?

Certainly not in any of the many TV interviews he’s done.

Sure, his campaign put out a statement denying it.  But Joe?  Joe hasn’t said a single thing.

Say, Kirsten. You know who else “vehemently denied” the allegation made against him?
Brett Kavanaugh.

And he actually did it, you know, on the record – unlike Joe.

But did Kavanaugh’s vehement denial matter to Flip-Flopper Kirsten?

Of course not.

Kirsten was “offended” by Brett Kavanaugh’s vehement denial before the Senate Judiciary Committee saying, “it really made me question his fitness for this office for the fact that he does not have the temperament or the character or honesty or integrity to be a Supreme Court justice.”

Kirsten believed Christine Blasey Ford because thirty years after the supposed “incident” Blasey Ford told her therapist.  And that was enough for Kirsten to dismiss all the problems with Ford’s testimony — namely that nobody corroborated it, and nobody, including Ford herself, remembered anything when or where it supposedly happened.

Tara Reade didn’t wait thirty years to tell people about Joe Biden and his wandering digit.  She told friends and family about it at the time. She tried to file a complaint at the time, and when she did, she lost her job.

But to Kirsten, Joe’s non-existent “vehement denial” is believable whereas Tara Reade is not.

Tell me, Kirsten.  Do we believe women when they tell us about sexual trauma? Do the stories of survivors matter to us?

You know, I’m not the first person to ask these questions.  In fact, a Senator by the name of … well, look at that!  Kirsten Gillibrand asked them back in 2018.

Tara Reade is watching as the most powerful people in this country disbelieve, distrust and minimize her experience.

And I have it on good authority that this is something Flip-Flopper Kirsten does not like.

Until now.

Now Kirsten is more than happy to disbelieve, distrust and minimize Tara Reade’s experience.

Mostly because Kirsten Gillibrand is a woman with zero principles. She stands for nothing – which is why she is so easily tossed about like a plastic grocery bag in the wind.

I said on Sunday that Kirsten Gillibrand never gave two craps if Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth or not.  Kirsten only cares about Kirsten. And whatever position benefits her politically is the position she will take – even if that means she has to twist herself into a pretzel in order to justify flip-flopping from one position to opposite position.

Can you believe this idiot actually thought she was Presidential material?