Thursday, April 30, 2020

Herr Wilhelm says “Achtung Juden!”

There is not a single bad situation that Herr Wilhelm won’t hesitate to make worse.

It always cracks me up that Bill de Blasio’s real name isn’t Bill de Blasio.  It’s Warren Wilhelm.

Did you know that?

And while plenty of mayors and governors across the country have been using the Wuhan Panic to embrace their inner tyrants, Bill has taken it even further by embracing his inner Wilhelm.

Herr Bürgermeister Wilhelm got a little hot under the lightning bolts yesterday after hundreds of Orthodox Jews gathered in Williamsburg for the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Mertz who passed away from the Wuhan virus.

So upset was Herr Wilhelm that he got his people to chauffeur him to Brooklyn in order to personally give those Jews a piece of his mind.  Just a small piece, though.  He has so little to give in that department.

Heading out to Brooklyn during the shutdown isn’t exactly new for him. Herr Wilhelm has been chauffeured to Brooklyn quite a bit during this Wuhan Panic shutdown — usually so he and his lovely bride can walk in Prospect Park.

But Herr Wilhelm wasn’t satisfied with simply showing up personally. He had to make extra sure these uppity Orthodox Jews knew just how serious he was.

So Herr Wilhelm took to Twitter.

Herr Wilhelm tweets

I’m sure it sounded better in the original German.

Now, Herr Wilhelm wasn’t always such a stickler for staying indoors.

But I get it. New York City is the epicenter of this pandemic in the US, and thanks to Herr Wilhelm’s bungling early on, too many people have died.

But to go from “get out on the town” to “Achtung Juden!” in less than two months is quite a transformation, don’t you think?

Unless of course that open invite to “get out on the town” didn’t apply to Jews.

But this is the problem with using a term like “Jewish Community” – as if every single Jew residing in New York City is responsible for the actions of this particular community of people in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Now, to be fair, the former Warren Wilhelm isn’t known for anything resembling tact.  Nor does he have the best track record for practicing what he preaches.

Any sanctimonious lecture from this man is already galling. But an “Achtung Juden” lecture is galling and in bad taste.

A thoughtful, intelligent person would’ve quit before making matters worse.

But when has Herr Wilhelm ever been thoughtful or intelligent.

Now, thanks to his blundering, mindless stupidity, New Yorkers have one more reason to hate the idiot’s guts.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Herr Wilhelm!