Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome

TDS has mutated into Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome. And until we can determine whether or not it’s contagious, we need to lock these people away.

I get it.  I do.  President Trump expresses optimism over hopeful news from doctors on the front lines that Hydroxychloroquine coupled with Azithromycin is having promising results.  And naturally if Trump speaks favorably about something, the media and the Resistance😁 have to attack it.

But things have hit such a fever pitch Trump Derangement Syndrome has mutated into Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome.

One Ohio State Representative actually wants to have President Trump brought up on charges at the Hague for the temerity of expressing optimism over using Hydroxychloroquine.

No, I’m not kidding.

Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome the Hague

“I’ve been to the Hague.”

Is that the Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome version of
“I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?”

Who knew hope for a life-saving treatment now amounts to a crime against humanity?

I cannot wrap my head around this hysteria.

Honestly, it makes zero sense.

President Trump isn’t suggesting we install Hydroxychloroquine vending machines at every Gas ‘n Sip for crying out loud.

He isn’t offering to mail a 2-week supply to every American.

And he certainly isn’t advocating its use without a prescription from a doctor.

IT WILL KILL YOU Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome

I know I’m repeating myself, but do idiots like this chick not understand how prescriptions work?

Personally I find the whole Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome all manner of entertaining.

But that’s mostly because I’ve been taking 400mg a day for four years.

I can’t imagine what my life would be like if four years ago I was gullible enough to listen to these hysterics who are howling IT WILL KILL YOU!!!

I’d be unable to walk or function today.

Though, I’m not stupid nor gullible, so even if they were howling about it in early 2016, I would’ve ignored them and trusted my doctor. You know, like every person who doesn’t suffer from Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome.

Then again, four years ago the people suffering from HDS had never heard of Hydroxychloroquine before. Four years ago these witless fools who are howling like wounded poodles understood that prescription medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

But not anymore.

And why?

Because President Trump expressed some hope over doctors seeing positive results when treating Wuhan virus. And as a result of that, their common sense and ability to think rationally went out the window.

“Quick!  Go to WebMD and find out what the side-effects are!  Because Trump is going to kill us all!  Get the Hague on the phone! It’s a crime against HUMANITY!!!”

What a bunch of idiots.

I said before, but I’ll say it again. Instead of deploying floating hospital, President Trump should order the Navy to deploy floating insane asylums. 

Get these lunatics the help they clearly need.