Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Slip Showing – Nikki Haley Endorses Swampy Kelly Loeffler Over Doug Collins in GA Senate Race

One of the biggest fears I have is that in 2024 people will not understand just how bad Nikki Haley is.

Electing Haley after President Trump in 2024 is the equivalent of electing George Bush following Reagan in 1988.  This scheming, conniving, lying and corrupt politician is worse than John McCain, George Bush and Mitt Romney combined.
Nikki Haley is bad news.  Very bad news.

The other day Romney in a skirt, aka Nikki Haley, endorsed Kelly Loeffler over Doug Collins for the Georgia senate seat.

[…] Haley, a Republican governor of South Carolina before serving as the Trump administration’s U.N. ambassador, headlined a campaign event in Marietta, Georgia, and officially endorsed Loeffler’s election bid. The rally, which was billed as Loeffler’s biggest since being appointed to the seat, was aimed at shoring up GOP support for her campaign. (read more)

Kelly Loeffler was appointed by Georgia Governor Kemp because Loeffler is married to Jeffrey Sprecher; a GOPe party insider, mega-donor, and multi-millionaire CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).  Jeffrey Sprecher is the founder and CEO of ICE, which now owns the New York Stock Exchange. Kelly Loeffler’s company, the financial platform Bakkt, is a subsidiary of the Intercontinental Exchange.

No doubt Mr. Sprecher (pictured above circled) leveraged his network and political influence upon Governor Kemp to get his well-connected wife appointed.  Jeffrey Sprecher likely also worked with with Mitch McConnell to install his wife, onto the Senate Agriculture Committee.  McConnell made the appointment.  Loeffler now has oversight over her and her husbands’ stock exchange interests.

Corrupt as hell.  All of it.  Insider party schemes, combined with Deep Swamp politics and personal influence puddling for financial interests.  The familiar network of personal financial benefit.   In 2012 Mrs Loeffler donated $750,000 to Mitt Romney’s Super PAC.

Political connections is why Kelly Loeffler was selected by Governor Kemp, and that same pay-to-play political network is exactly why Nikki Haley has endorsed her in the upcoming election.  I have ZERO doubt Loeffler’s husband will be providing considerable financial payments to Nikki Haley in her run for the presidency.   Transparent swamp dealing.

Jeffrey Sprecher owns the largest stock exchange in the world: the New York Stock Exchange. It has more than 2,400 listed companies and has a market capitalization of about $22.9 trillion.   Gee, and Nikki Haley endorses…. go figure.
GEORGIA – […] In recent interviews, nearly a dozen ethics experts in Washington said the entanglement of Loeffler’s public and private interests has few, if any, recent precedents in Congress.
ICE deploys lobbyists to influence federal regulatory agencies and Congress, including committees on which Loeffler now sits. Loeffler’s husband and other ICE executives often testify at congressional hearings. And, when she was ICE’s senior vice president for corporate communications, Loeffler herself publicly criticized the company’s primary regulator, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, for proposing “excess regulation” during the financial crisis of the late 2000s.
That commission answers directly to the Agriculture Committee’s commodities subcommittee, of which Loeffler is now a member. (link)